77- good friends

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Oscar's pov

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Oscar's pov

"Oscar, I'm in love with your daughter." Ariella said as she held Malina in her arms as we waited for our food.

"She is so cute." She continued.

I just smiled at her. "I think she loves you too. She was cranky today and ever since you showed up she's been nothing but smiles and giggles." I said as i watched Malina look up at Ariella while Ariella just looked back at me.

Once our food came Ariella continued to hold her while she ate one handedly.

No matter how many times i offered to hold her while she ate, she refused to let her go.

"So Oscar how many girls have you messed around with while i was gone?" Ariella smiled at me as she put a fry in her mouth. "I wont get mad." She said which made me choke on my soda.

"Well um...." i laughed nervously.

She just stared at me waiting for me to answer.

"Well... nobody." My face got red.

"Seriously?" she seemed in disbelief. Then she laughed.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I heard what happened with Nicole and i just wanted to let you know that im always here for you." She said looking at me.

I couldnt help but smile.

Ariella was so sweet. This world doesn't deserve her. I dont deserve her. 

"Thanks Ariella." I smiled as i took some of her fries.

"Okay so what else did i miss?" She asked as i sighed.

"Hector hates me with all his life." I frowned and so did Ariella.


"I cant tell you right now .. Malina is listening." I said as Ariella looked down at my baby.

"Oscar." Ariella gave me a unserious look.

"Im serious. I dont want her to hear this." I said and she just shook her head.

"Dont worry I'll tell you the chisme later." I said and she just laughed and continued to eat.

Then after we finished eating we decided to drive back to my place to just chill.

Ariella laid on my bed with Malina as i changed into sweatpants. 

I got on the bed laid on my side. Malina was in between us.

"I think she likes you more than me." I admitted.

"You think so?" She smiled as Malina just stared at her with admiration.

"Oh definitely. She likes everyone but ive never seen her act like this." I said.

"Not even with Nicole?" She raised a brow.

"I dont think Nicole was prepared to be a mom." I sighed. "Usually when you become a parent you dont give a shit about yourself. I dont think Nicole was ready to put Malina first." I shrugged.

Ariella just frowned. "Well im sure she wouldve been a great mom." She said as she playfully poked Malina's stomach.

"Maybe." I sighed.

We continued to talk about just random things. It was like old times. Then I put Malina in her crib when she got sleepy.

"So what were you gonna tell me earlier?" She asked.

I cleared my throat and looked away.

"Well when you were gone i made it clear that I was waiting for you. Not trying to act cocky but girls were excited to hear I was single. And Hector was dating this girl named Angelina." I explained and Ariella just nodded.

"Well she thought i was interested i guess. I dont know what gave her the impression. But i woke up as she was fucking me. I freaked out and Hector walked in. He thought i backstabbed him." I let out a sigh.

"Oscar that wasnt your fault. You got raped." Ariella sat up and looked at me as i nodded.

"But Hector wont believe me." I sighed.

"Well I'll talk to him." She said and i just nodded.

"I mean. You can try but hes pissed." I said and she shrugged.

"You guys are homies for life." She reminded me. "He'll learn the truth eventually."

"Thank you for listening." I smiled at Ariella as she nodded.

"Of course."

"I love you." She smiled as she got up from my bed.

I got up too about to pull her in for a kiss.

But before i could she pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Im glad that after everything we've been through we could still be friends." Ariella sighed in relief as she kisses my cheek.  "See you tomorrow." She waved as she walked out.



ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now