93- new life

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Ariella's pov

"This soda isnt right." I mumbled as i took another sip.

"Really?" Oscar groaned.

"What?" I look at him as he continued to drive.

"You had a gun to your head and was going to let Gia kill you and you're worried about coke?" He scoffed.

"Well first of all its pepsi. Get your facts straight." I snapped as i put his drink back.

"Oh cause that really matters right now?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yes it does because this shit doesnt taste good. Killed my whole mood." I frowned.

"Well asshole you ordered a lemonade not pepsi." He said.

"But i drank all of my lemonade."

"Yeah i dont give a fuck." He laughed then took a sip of his coke.


"Hmm?" I mumbled as i looked at him.

"I know you didnt just drink all my shit."

I just laughed to myself and nodded my head. "But i did."

After the whole situation with Cuchillos' daughter going crazy and trying to kill me for sleeping with Rio has created a lot of tension.

We were able to cover it up. Hopefully Cuchillos wont press the issue so we can spare her life for the time being.

Rio has been around a lot more since the incident  as we came up with a plan of what to do with Cuchillos. We weren't stupid. Oscar is especially worried about Cuchillos finding out we killed her. It wasn't a matter of if she ever finds out but when she does.

I will say, in a fucked up way, Gia's death brought Oscar and I closer.

I havent forgotten about him sacrificing himself so I could live. Or the fact that he admitted he loved me.

I didnt know how to feel about us hanging out again.

We havent talked much about where we stand right now.

Oscar's phone ringing pulled me out of my thoughts.

I noticed Leslie's name pop up but i didnt say anything. He didnt answer the call

"So how are things with Leslie?"

"Just fuck buddies." he gave me a short answer.

"Thats cool."

"Is it?" he stopped looking at the road to see my face. He wanted to see if my expressions matched my words.

"Yeah why wouldn't it?"

"Forget about it." he shrugged it off. "You and Rio?"

"We're engaged,"

Oscar slammed on the breaks to look at me.

ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now