Chapter 14: New Car

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I'm so nervous for this test tomorrow. Wish me luck guys!

Anywhore. Now that I have eaten and had my coffee, let's get on with this chapter.

(Her jeep up top)



It's been a little over a week and I finally got my license!

Well, I still need to go pick it up. Plus I do need to get a license plate.

So now I'm just patiently waiting for her to come back. She had a friend come pick her up because she wanted to surprise me with the jeep. She told me that she saw it on the dealership's website and knew it would be perfect for me.

I've been trying to find out which jeep she was talking about. I may or may not have stuck on the website and flipped through all the jeeps.

I know, pretty bad of me. But I was dying to know!

I laid my phone down and jumped out of my seat as I heard a car door shut.

I was already by the door when Hecate walked in.

"Oh!" She screamed as she jumped. "You scared me, dear."

"So." I drawled out with a smile.

Hecate laughed as she gave me a knowing look. "Would you like to see it?"

"Yes!" I shouted as I jumped up and down.

"Come on." She smiled as she placed her arm around me and we walked outside. "Close your eyes."

I quickly threw my hands over my eyes and we continued our walk. We turned around the corner of the house and we stopped walking.

"Open!" She said excitedly.

My eyes flung open and so did my mouth.

It was basically everything I dreamed about owning. It was a nice tiffany blue jeep with tinted windows. It was raised a little bit, but not too high and it was a four door jeep. The world 'Wrangler' was written in white, bold letters along the side of the hood and it had a step bar underneath the driver's and passenger's side doors.

Good. I'm probably going to be using that every time I get into the jeep. I'm a little on the short side.

I remember a while back I saw someone who had a blue jeep and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Hecate must have been paying really close attention.

"Hecate." I said in a hushed tone. "I-I love it."

"Do you?" She asked nervously.

"Yes!" I yelled as I threw my arms around her to give her a hug. "It's beautiful! And it's my favorite color."

"I'm glad you liked it." She laughed squeezing me. "Go check it out."

She let go of me and I ran over to my new jeep.

I was starstruck as I looked closer. It really was beautiful.

"Is that a light on the top?" I asked confused.

"Yes. It's a light bar. Very bright so be careful." She explained.

Oh boy. I am going to have so much fun with that.

"I can't wait to drive it!" I smiled as I marveled over the inside of the jeep.

"Which you can later today." Hecate said. "Let's go pick up your license. I have to drive there though."

"Aw man." I pouted.

Hecate laughed as she ushered me over to the passenger's side. "You can drive it when you get your license."

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