Chapter 18: Meeting The Mate

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Who is ready for a new chapter?

And does anyone's cat have a problem with personal space?? Or is it just mine??

Anywhore. On with the story!



'It's cold.' Artemis growled. 'If you would have just stayed there, we would be warm. And possibly eating steak right now!'

'Oh. So this is my fault?' I growled back as I curled up into a ball under the tree. 'You're the wolf. You have the fur!'

'Correction. We are both the wolf! We both have fur!'

'Well technically, I would just be a regular human if you weren't with me.' I stated. 'So I mean really, you are the wolf.'

'You irk me so much!' Artemis growled.

'Aww. I love you too!'

Artemis was about to answer, but a twig snapping caught both of our attention.

'Did you hear that?' She asked.

'Yeah.' I said as I stood up.

'It sounded like it came from the left.'

I turned my head in that direction and listened carefully.

'I hear voices.' I said.

'Quick. Climb up in the tree!' Artemis said.

I turned around towards the tree and jumped onto a branch. I climbed up a little further and crouched low to the branch.

Below me on the ground, two men came into view.

"I can't believe Alpha King Ares found his mate." The man said.

'Wait.' I said. 'I know him.'

'Which one?' Artemis asked.

'The one with the shorter black hair.' I said as I watched them stop under the tree. 'That's Jason. He was with Janus and Apollo when they found us in the clearing.'

'That's right!' Artemis said. 'I remember him. But I don't remember the other guy. They look like they could be related though.'

'Brothers?' I asked.


"And a rogue at that." Jason laughed.

Okay. Rude.

"I don't even care if she's a rogue." The other one laughed. "I'm just glad that he found her. He deserves to be happy."

"And we got a Luna." Jason smiled as he high-fived the man.

I backed up slowly, but my foot slipped slightly. I cringed and stopped my foot in mid-air, hoping they didn't hear anything.

"What the?" Jason asked as he picked up a leaf off his shoulder.

'Smooth move.' Artemis said.

"It's a leaf dumbass." The man laughed. "We are in the forest."

"Oh shut it Achilles." Jason growled as he looked around.

All of the sudden he looked up.

I yelped quietly and backed up a little.

"There's something in the trees." Jason said as he pointed at me. "But I can't see what."

"It's probably just a squirrel." Achilles said. "Maybe a bird."

"I'm still going to check it out. The King would have my head if it was actually his mate and I didn't look." Jason mumbled worriedly.

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