Chapter 24: Earth-shattering News

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Are you guys ready for this chapter??? I hope so!

Also, random side note. It's so hard to type with wet nails lmao. I finally painted my nails red. They have been black for so long, I needed a change haha.

Anywhore. Time for this chapter to begin!!!! Enjoy.



"What did you just say?" I asked, backing up a little bit.

"Athena." Hecate smiled. "You were born here. In the living room to be exact."

"What in the actual hell are you talking about?"

"Seventeen years ago, a wolf came to my door. Practically broke the thing down." She sighed and turned around to pick up the glass shards from the broken plate on the floor. "Her pack got hit pretty hard by a rogue attack and she started giving birth when the whole thing came down."

"That's awful." I said quietly.

"Athena." Hecate said softly. "It was your mother."

"M-my mother?" I asked shocked.

This can't be real.

"She gave birth right on the living room floor." She explained as she looked at the living room. "She was in such a hurry. She scooped you up and left right away."

"She didn't rest?" I asked amazed.

My mother must have been really strong.

"No." Hecate answered, shaking her head. "I offered her one of my potions and told her she could hide out here. But she said she had to leave, that the rogues would find her. She told me there was a decent sized pack about a day's trip from here."

"She must have been talking about Rick's pack." I thought out loud.

Hecate nodded. "That's the one. Although, I didn't remember the name and none of it clicked until now."

"So you helped my mom give birth to me?" I asked, looking Hecate in the eyes.

Hecate smiled. "You were so tiny. So adorable."

"What pack was she from?" I asked wanting to know more.

"Oh my gosh." Hecate said with wide eyes. "I'm an idiot."

"What?" I asked laughing.

"Why did I not put this together sooner?" She groaned as she reached her phone.

"Who are you calling?" I asked as she placed the phone to her ear.

"Ares." She said seriously. "We all need to sit down and talk."

Not even twenty minutes went by and Ares came running through the door.

'Isn't it a forty-five-minute drive?' Artemis asked.

'That's what I thought.' I said.

'How did he get here so fast?'

'My guess.' I paused as I looked at Ares as he was panting out of breath. 'He ran. And fast.'

"What's going on?" Ares asked as he sat down. "You sounded urgent on the phone."

"I know where Athena came from." Hecate said as she turned to look at me. "Please sit down."

I quickly walked over to the table and sat down next to Hecate. Ares stared at me from across the table for a moment, before turning his attention to Hecate.

"Proceed." He instructed.

"Athena Polias is from your pack, Ares." Hecate stated.

Ares' eyes got wide and his mouth dropped open slightly. "What?"

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