6. Ace Imagine: Diary

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You had just retrieved the bowl of microwave popcorn and sat down to eat it whilst watching a film, that's until you got interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

Your parents were at a business trip like always and so you were left alone, as per usual. This wasn't technically a bad thing because a familiar Cobra always seemed to get in your house and annoy you but not in a bad way.

You and Ace had started a summer fling in the summer but decided to stop it when school came back around, but he fell for you and got easily jealous seeing you flirting with other guys. After Eyeball had explained to Ace what he was feeling was love Ace had to find you and tell you. You had been dating ever since then, and let's say.....it's been interesting.

You decided to check the door to see if it's a murderer that's until you looked through the peephole and you saw a bleeding, cut and bruised Ace Merrill standing there. You quickly opened the door and pulled him inside, "What the hell happened?!" he shrugged at you "A gang fight." You looked at him "Aceeeee what have I told you!" he then pretended to twist his hair and balance on one hip and mimicked you "Ace, don't get into anymore gang fights" you shot him a glare and replied sarcastically "Ha ha funny."

You rolled your eyes and dragged him upstairs to the bathroom, he sat down on the worktop as you reached into the neighbouring bathroom cupboard and pulled out a first aid kit. You were convinced you had to buy supplies for this first aid kit every week.

You worked with his cuts and bruises making sure you cleaned them and made sure they wouldn't get infected. "Please tell me why I help you?" you mumbled under your breath as you cleaned over the last scratch, he flinched and winced in pain but managed to say "Because Y/N, you love me" you widened your eyes "Oh yeah I forgot!" now it was his turn to roll his eyes and say "Ha ha funny." You smirked "You love me really though don't you?" he raised an eyebrow "Hmm that's gonna have to be a yes from me." you smiled and pecked him on the lips.

You then walked downstairs and sat on the sofa with your bowl of fairly cool sweet popcorn, you didn't know what you were watching but you didn't mind. After five minutes Ace still hadn't come downstairs, you got confused on what he could be doing but then it clicked "Oh no!"

You bolted up the stairs and into your room and saw Ace doing what you had feared he would do. Ace was reading your diary, "Wow Y/N, you are good at explaining our sex life. Also tough luck for you, you've just wrote down everything you like me doing to ya know turn you on so be prepared for that missy" you groaned and snatched the black journal off him.

You placed the diary on your desk and then grabbed him by the hand and dragged him downstairs so you two could watch the film together.

"Also I cannot believe you never told me about your slight crush on Eyeball" he smirked knowing it would wind you up, "That was ages ago though so it doesn't count!" you defended yourself. He chuckled "Sure Y/N."

As the movie was about to end he started to kiss your neck, "Aceee not nowww" you drawled but he continued to kiss your neck, "You'll give me a hickey!" you could feel him smirk "It'll show everyone that you're mine and only mine" he then slightly bit down on your neck.

This would be a fun night you thought....

I'm not sure if I want to write a smut just yet but I may do if you guys would like that. I just thought I would stop there we you know it's yeah.
So anyway hope you liked this chapter/imagine.

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