24. Gordie Imagine: The Bus

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You were sitting on the bus reading, that was how you spent your Saturday's just sitting on a bus reading. It was always relaxing for you, there was never really much noise only the odd few shouts came around.

The bus always helped you escape from whatever was around you but one day you just couldn't read as you were extremely distracted. As you were reading your book a boy entered the bus and sat on the opposite side to you and a few seats in front so he was in your direct view.

He pulled out a book and was reading just like you once were, you tried to go back and read your book but your view always returned to the boy. For some reason you recognised the boy but you didn't know how or where from. As the bus stopped again the boy got up and you thought he was leaving but he walked over and sat next to you.

"Hey." he said whilst kicking his feet up on the seat in front of you. "Hey." you smiled closing your book, "So why were you staring at me?" he smirked at your blushing face. "Uh no I was staring out the window." he shook his head "Yeah yeah definitely."

"What's your name?" he asked "Y/N." he smiled "Cute name."

After that the two of you talked like you had been friends for years. You found out his name was Gordon Lachance but he liked being called 'Gordie' and that his brother died in a jeep accident, he told you about his parents and you told him about yours. You had deep conversations and funny conversations until the bus stopped again, "Hey you wanna go to the park." you nodded and smiled "Sure, why not?"

The two of you had a fun time in the park, you found conkers and kicked around leaves and chased after each other. That's until you tripped and somehow pulled him down with you. Of course only you could do that.

"Um hey Gordie." you laughed as he was ontop of you "Hey Y/N...." you raised an eyebrow as he seemed to trail off into thought. You then heard him mumble "Fuck it." he then leaned in and kissed you.

Damn you thought, Gordie didn't come across like this. He never seemed the type to do this, although you wasn't necessarily complaining.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds but it felt good, when he pulled away you frowned a little as you missed his lips on yours. The two of you both sat up and looked at each other, "Umm well Gordie..." you started as you couldn't speak after what had just happened. "Y/N I'm sorry, you can ugh I'm so stupid." he rambled on and on.

"Gordie." he looked at you and stopped what he was saying "I liked it." he smiled at you "Wait really, well in that case, do you want to be my girlfriend even though you've known me in the time span of 3 hours."

You just laughed "I would love to be your girlfriend Gordie."

I don't know if I like this or not, I kinda got the idea yesterday when I was out in town with my friends and I saw a couple on a bus and it just instantly bought my mind to Gordie. Sorry this is so short. Also thank you for 900 reads guys!! ❤️
Anyway until next time.

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