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Lena's floating. Cold, black waves drifting beneath her, pulling her body along. She feels electricity buzzing on her skin and through her feathers. It's warm. Comforting.

Her mind is elsewhere, as if broken from her body. She hears thoughts that aren't hers. But they're not thoughts are they? They're low and echo around her like wisps in the wind.

They're different. One is light, airy, and the voice sends a smile to her beak though she doesn't know why. She doesn't know anything.

What was her name again?


Right, Lena.


Lena gulps, and suddenly she's aware of hard coins beneath her and the panicked voices around her. She opens her eyes, blinking away the tears. Was she crying? She couldn't remember.

The first thing she sees is the moon shining down on her through a large hole in the money bin.

The money bin.

The fight.


Lena sits up quickly, looking around frantically until she feels hands on her shoulders. She turns to meet the face of one Scrooge McDuck.

Help me get my family back and you'll have a place in it.

She moves on her own accord, clinging to his coat and burying her face into his shoulder. Scrooge tenses, surprised before relaxing and wrapping his arms around her.

Soon Lena feels so many arms around her and so much comfort that she practically melts. She's safe.

She's home.

Welcome to my new series! I hoped you enjoyed the first one-shot of many that is sure to come. I will try to update regularly but no promises.

Anywho, please comment, vote on the chapter and I'll see you next time. See ya later, seagulls!

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now