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Webby spent a week on it, putting as much love and care into it as possible. When it was done, she was excited to give it to Lena, only to find out Louie had the same idea.

And he was having trouble with it.

Louie loved scrapbooking and junk-journaling, but when it came to other kinds of crafts... he wasn't the best at it. So when he decided to give up on the friendship -girlfriendship eyyy- bracelet he was making, anyone would probably get why.

But Webby didn't like the words 'give up'. They left a nasty taste in her mouth. She would try to do something until she got it right or until she couldn't do it anymore. So it became her personal mission to help Louie finish his bracelet.

Louie grumbled as once again he failed to braid the part he was on right. "Ugh, I can't do this!" he dropped the bracelet on his bed and pulled his hood on. "Why did I even try?"

Webby gently slid her hands into the hood to cup his cheeks. "Oh Louie..." she said his name softly, and he looked up at her. "You can do anything you put your mind to, I can help you with the bracelet..."

"But... it already looks so bad..." Louie whispered, his green eyes shining with tears. "Lena will hate it."

"No, no, no." Webby argued gently, pressing her forehead against his. "Lena would love it no matter what... trust me, trust her."

Louie paused to sniffle before nodding. "Okay."


Lena looked down at the two boxes sat in her lap then back up at her partners. "What... are these?" she asked slowly.

Louie tapped his fingers on his knees, a small grin gracing his beak. "They're presents... uh, we made them for you."

Lena looked back down at the boxes. "Oh." One was wrapped in neat, pink wrapping paper, the other was wrapped sloppily but in a nice green color. She might save it for the junk-journal Louie talked her into making. "Do I just... open them?"

"Yup!" Webby replied, twisting the hem of her skirt.

Lena spared one more glance at them before carefully pulling apart the wrapping paper of Webby's gift. When she opened the box, her eyes widened. Inside was a purple and blue friendship bracelet resembling the one Magica forced her to get rid of. It was beautiful. She slipped it on her wrist and sighed, feeling like a piece she didn't know was missing made its way back to her.

She moved on to opening Louie's present, too saving the paper for later. Inside she found another friendship bracelet, this one colored a lime green and hot pink -surprising colors for Louie, she supposed. It was a bit sloppily made but she slipped it onto her wrist, nonetheless, planning to never take it off.

Louie chuckled, nervously. "I know it's not the best but-"

"Shush, green," Lena said pulling them into a hug. "I love them..." her voice lowered to a whisper. "I love you guys..."

Louie and Webby hugged back nuzzling her hair. "We love you too, Lena."

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now