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Louie lifted his teacup up to his beak, shakingly and took a sip. Chamomile tea. "Have I ever told you you make a good cup of tea, Ms. B?" he asked, trying to use flattery to escape this, but it wouldn't work with his voice wavering.

Beakley raised an eyebrow, her own cup in hand. "I've never made you tea before."

Louie felt like one of those characters in movies and books, sweating profusely. "Right..." he replied slowly, then took a long sip of his tea.

Beakley shook her head, set her cup down, and folded her hands on the table. "Now, Louie-"

Before she could say anything, Louie cut her off with a panicked ramble. "Ms. B, I would never ever hurt Webby! I love her so much! I know I'm not the nicest guy and I don't really deserve her but-"

"Louie!" Louie snapped his beak shut instantly. "Can I speak now?" when he nodded, she continued. "I was going to say that I'm happy you're the one dating my granddaughter. Webby needs someone that truly understands her and likes her. In my opinion, you are the boy -er duck for her."

Louie took all of that in, only being able to reply with an "Oh."

She chuckles, picking up her tea once again. "Now, let's finish our tea and you can tell me about when you first realized you liked my Webbigail."

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now