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Webby is precious. She crosses her legs when she's nervous, clutches her skirt and smooths it out as many times as she can before she feels better. When she's mad, her fists clench tight at her sides and she turns her head away, refusing to look at what or whomever has angered her. Louie knows not to mess with her then, her punches being more deadly than ever.

And when she's happy? God, it's like the sun in the form of a person. She just glowed, her warmth filling everyone around her. She is definitely the color yellow, Louie mused, laying beside Lena on his bed.

"Lena?" he asks, glancing nervously at her as he tried to keep himself from drifting back into Webby wonderland. The girl hummed in acknowledgement, gaze flickering over to him to let him know she is indeed listening.

"Webby is really cute." Louie said, catching Lena's attention. She rolled over to study him.

"Yeah..." she said slowly, unsure where he was going with this.

Louie turned to face her, cheeks heating up and he coughed, nervously. "Well... I was thinking... We should ask her out?"

Lena blinked, taking in that. "Hmm... Alright, I'm down."


"Don't be too surprised, green, I think Webby's cute too, you know."

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now