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"I'm not perfect." Louie says staring in the mirror. He had taken his hoodie off to get into his suit for a party and gotten distracted.

"Fuck being perfect!" Lena yelled struggling to pull on a more fancy version of her signature sweater.

"Yeah," Webby jumped in, sitting on the edge of the tub pulling on some pink boots. Louie glanced at her, noting how her dress's skirt was bunching up so much from the way she was sitting. He blushed and looked away.

Louie shook his head of the bad thoughts and put on his white button-up shirt, then moved to help Lena with her shirt.

"Thanks green," Lena said, finally free.

"No, thank you," Louie leaned over to kiss her cheek.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now