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Lena shifts the backpack she's carrying and looks around the room she was staying in -her new bedroom, Scrooge had said. It was empty, barren. The walls were a weird crimson color and their ugly patterned curtains blocking light from streaming through the windows.

Scrooge gently pushed her forward and she shot a mild glare at him, watching his eyes twinkle behind his spectacles. A smirk played on his beak.

Lena shook her head and walked over to her new bed, the comforter a darker red and even uglier than the rest of the room combined. She scowled, her brows wrinkling in disgust.

Scrooge laughed, barking-like. "Aye know the room isnae the prettiest, but yew decorate it how-ver yew like."

Lena dropped her bag on the floor and sat down on the bed, thinking over his words. She was able to decorate her old home -though it was more like a prison than a home- only because Magica was kept in her shadow. But now, she was going to live in the manor.

Scrooge, Ms. Beakley, or Donald, heck even Launchpad could tell her what to do. Keep her from making this room what she wanted. She wouldn't have freedom, she probably shouldn't.

But here Scrooge was, telling her to do what she liked. There must be a catch. There had to be. Maybe if she screwed up once, she would be back on the street. Or its only temporary until Scrooge can find somewhere to ship her.

She waited silently for it.

Instead, Scrooge tipped his hat and leaned a little on his cane. "Lunch is in a few hours, lass," he smiled warmly, her previous thoughts fading away into nothing but a vague idea. "Aye'll see yew then."

Then he walked out of her room, leaving her to the freedom presented to her. She wondered what were the rules and how hard she can bend them before they broke. She shook away the thought. Best to not break rules so soon.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now