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Louie held the picture of his uncles and his mom standing behind three eggs tight. There were silent tears streaming down his cheeks. He wanted to scream, to throw the frame away and listen to it shatter against the wall.

His mom was home. No, Della was home. She wasn't his mom. She never was.

She abandoned them to get on a rocket that could've exploded or worse... left her stranded on the moon. She left them. She could've stayed, been happy with what she had here on Earth, but no.

She left.

Because they weren't good enough for her.

Louie dropped it back on Huey's desk and stepped away to the window. He can see his brothers playing with their mom below. They just forgived her instantly. Forgived her for leaving them.

Louie wouldn't, couldn't.

And so he was the bad guy. The bad person for not wanting to run into her arms. The bad person for running away instead, telling her he didn't want her touching him.

Dewey called him selfish, and Huey turned away. Webby and Lena both chastised him for not being grateful to have her, at least you have a mother -she left us, he wanted to scream, you don't understand, she's not dead.

Louie wishes it would just go away, wishes she never even left in the first place, wishes his family would stop seeing him as a monster.

Louie has a right to his feelings and this could be lowkey during the whole Della comes home ep sometime before the statue monster thing attacks or whatever.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now