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Louie felt naked without her- his skirt. He sat on one side of Webby's bed while Lena and Webby sat on the other, waiting for him to spill the tea. He pulled his knees up to his chest and sighed, starting into a quiet retelling of his fight with Dewey.

"Fuck him." was the first thing Lena said when he was done.

"Lena!" Webby looked around nervously as if her grandmother would appear out of nowhere to scold her.

"What?" Lena defended. "It's true! Bluey doesn't get to misgender you like that. But also, Louie, I love you, but you didn't have to toss away your skirt. Just because Dewey was being an-" she glances at Webby "-female dog didn't mean you should encourage him by letting his words get to you."

Louie sighed knowing she was right. He really shouldn't have gave Dewey the satisfaction of breaking him.

Suddenly they heard footsteps approaching the ladder. They looked down to see Huey climbing up the ladder with Louie's skirt in hand.

"Hey." Huey said, smiling awkwardly.

"Hi." "Hi, Huey!" "Sup, nerd." the three chorused.

Huey turned his attention to Louie and tossed the skirt into his brother's lap. "Here, I know you don't want to throw this away..."

"Thanks," Louie said, uncaringly pulling the skirt back on and sighing at the soft fabric. He turned back to his older brother and studied him. "And...?"

"You should talk to Dewey."

Louie groaned falling back on the bed. "I'm never talking to Dewey ever again!

"Louie." Huey said warningly, only getting another groan in reply. "You're not getting out of this, Louie."

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now