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Louie cringed seeing another bouquet of roses laying underneath his favorite tree. His opinions on the tree were starting to change very fast. He picked up the flowers, not even needing to read the card to know who they're from.

"Ugh! Doofus I'm not interested, just leave me alone!" he yelled, despite not knowing if the other duck was even around. Knowing the creep he probably was.

He stomped his way back to the manor, throwing the flowers into the first trash can he passed. He found his brothers and girlfriends all sitting on the floor in his room, probably playing some game he just interrupted. He plopped down beside Lena, arms crossed and looking peeved.

Huey and Dewey shared a look before the eldest spoke up. "Did you find another bouquet?"

"Yes!" Louie yelled throwing up his arms in frustration. He slumped down, feeling sudden exhaustion fill him. "Why won't he just leave me alone?"

Lena frowned, confusion evident on her face. Webby, not having been there, too was confused.

Much to their relief, Dewey came to their rescue. "He's talking about Doofus, a really creepy guy that's been leaving him flowers for the past few weeks."

Lena raised an eyebrow at him. "How creepy are we talking?"

"He was going to keep Louie as a pet." Huey supplied.

Webby's only reaction was her beak forming an 'O' shape, unsure how to reply. Lena, on the other hand, looked furious. A dark expression settled over her face.

"Where does he live?" she asked, her voice coming out lower than normal.

Louie opened his beak to give her directions, an address, even coordinates, but shut his mouth at the pointed look Huey sent him.

Huey sighed. "Even though I want to burn his house to the ground," his eye twitched "we can't harm him. Woodchuck Guidebook rule number-"

"Alright, alright, red, I get it. We can't murder him." Lena interrupted, getting a small scowl in reply. But that doesn't mean she can't do something else.


Lena found another rose bouquet under a tree a few feet from the backdoor of the manor. It looked beautiful and expensive despite coming from a creep. She picked it up, scowling at the card inside;

To: Louie, my favorite friend present

From: Doofus Drake

She held the flowers up, looking around the garden. "Hey creep!" she yelled, "You see these flowers? If you don't leave Louie alone and stop sending her these, you will suffer the same fate."

Her eyes began to glow as she chanted a spell under her breath. The flowers lit up in a black fire, burning to ash right in front of her -and the creep watching- eyes. Letting the ashes fly off in the wind, she turned on her heel and walked back to the manor, a devious glint in her eyes.


For the next few days, Louie found no flowers, just untouched grass and her favorite shade to lay under. She had an idea of why, but wasn't sure. Nonetheless, she wanted to thank the person.

Louie found Lena lounging out on of the couch, scrolling through her phone. She sat down beside her, and fiddled with her skirt. "Thanks."

Lena didn't look up from her phone. "For what?"

"You know."

Lena smirked. Oh she did know. "You're welcome."

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora