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"Webby, never do that ever again." Lena whispered softly when they were back in their room, legs intertwined under the soft blankets.

Webby winces at the pain in Lena's voice, fiddling with the collar of her nightgown with her one, non-broken hand. "I'm sorry, Lena... I just couldn't let you get hurt by that blast... I couldn't lose you again." she fights back tears stinging the corners of her eyes.

Lena moves closer, pressing their foreheads together. She settles a light touch on the other girl's broken arm, a tired sigh escaping her lips. "Oh Webby... I'm not going anywhere..." she takes the other girl's shaking hand and brings it up to her beak to press a kiss to it. "Just promise me you will be careful."

"I promise."

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora