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Gay? Gay.

Webby is a blue hydrangea, it's dew filled petals sparkling in the sunlight.

Lena is a bundle of sage, wild and mysterious.

Louie is a-

"What'cha writing, Lena?" Webby asked, startling the girl and causing her to drop her pen. Webby picked it up and smiled, apologetically. "Sorry."

"It's fine, Webs." Lena smiled, softly, leaning up to peck the tip of the girl's beak. "I'm just writing in my journal. You can look if you want." she said it teasingly, watching Webby's eyes light up.

Webby leaned over the girl's shoulder, close, very close -Lena made a mental note to write down Webby smells like sugar cookies and teddy bear stuffing. A perfect combination for the girl.

"Aw, Lena!" Webby said excitedly and pulled back, revealing her pink cheeks. "That's so sweet! What are you going to write for Louie?"

Lena leaned back in her chair, looking up at the girl. "I don't know yet. It took me awhile to come up with ours." she shifted. "Louie is... special."

Webby gasped. "I have a book on rare flowers, I could go get it-"

"No, Webby," Lena blushed at her quick reply and gently took the girl's hand. "I want it to come from me... and I don't want it to be a flower that I know nothing about... She's means the world to me."

Webby smiled fondly at the teen. "She is bright and beautiful."

"Like the sun." Lena mused, then gasped. "That's it!" she grabbed her pen and finished the set.

Louie is a marigold, as beautiful and bright as the sun.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now