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With a bump, the vase fell, shattering to a million pieces on the ground. Lena froze, waiting for Magica to send a sharp pain through her head or to hear her aunt yell at her, vile words she would never repeat to anyone.

Nothing happened and she remembered.

Magica was gone.

She was safe and in the manor.

"Lena?" she turned her head to see Beakley standing in the doorway of the kitchen, watching her with concern. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Lena lied, "Just didn't expect the vase to fall, you know, no big deal."

Lena could tell Beakley didn't believe her but the older duck didn't press. Instead, she waved her hand, "Go play somewhere else, I'll clean up the mess."

Lena nodded, gratefully and took off back the way she came, scolding herself for panicking.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now