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Lena doesn't know how to decorate her room. She liked purple, I guess, and blue was nice, I suppose, but everything else was confusing. She brought over some of her old stuff like her lava lamp and a few of the spellbooks Scrooge cleared.

Her room was so empty and it felt like she didn't even belong in it. Sleeping in her new bed was a nightmare, literally, so she spent most of her nights with Webby in her tiny bed. Webby's room was practically hers, so much half her clothes were left dumped on the bottom of the girl's closet.

Which led her to digging through the closet trying to find her favorite sweater. It was worn and faded and their were moth-bitten holes throughout it but it smelt like home. She swore she put it in there, she just couldn't find it.

Instead she found something else, something new. She never really looked around Webby's closet before her clothes were tossed in and maybe she should have. The crinkle of plastic was her warning before she pulled out a torn bag, several pieces of plastic flying out around her and she fell back in shock.

Webby looked over at the noise and smiled at the sight of Lena laying there on her back, glow-in-the-dark stars strewn about her and the most surprised look ever on her face.

Lena sat up after a few minutes of playing possum and picked up one of the stars, inspecting it. "What... is it?" I mean... its a star but...

Webby set down her book and crawled over to the girl, picking up a few. "They're glow in the dark stars. Granny bought them for me but I never got around to using them." she paused watching Lena's eyes light up in wonder and awe. "You can have them if you want..."

Lena hugged the girl so tight before she could even finish the sentence, thank yous bubbling out of her like a warm waterfall.

She got Launchpad to help her put them up the next day and her room felt just a little bit like her place. She was on her way to making this place her home.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now