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Webby sits on the rug in front of the couch, playing with the fringe on the rug, a nice stim for her and pops a few marshmallows into her mouth every once in awhile. Louie is on the couch, watching the tv through relaxed, half-lidded eyes.

Lena walks in and sits beside him. She reaches over to touch his hand, not getting hurt when he pulls away. She respects it and turns back to the tv, watching as some kid fell into a river of chocolate. Huh.

"You know what this reminds me of?" Webby asks suddenly, tone a little higher than normal; a tell that she was bursting to tell a long story.

"What, Webby?" Louie asks, gaze amused and fond.

Webby started on a long tangent and Lena relaxed in her spot. All was sweet.

TBH, this is the first time I kicked a word out of the prompts so I might do like a bonus chapter for everytime I have to kick a word.

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