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Webby's never been in a hospital before. It's new, strange. The white walls and shiny floors and the constant beeping of the heart monitor beside her. She doesn't exactly like it, but she can't really leave. At least not until the doctors declare she is safe to get trapped in another fire.

Okay, maybe that's not what they say but who cares. She shifts in her bed, careful not to knock off her oxygen mask. She turns her head slightly to see two dolls sitting on her table, watching over her. They resemble voodoo dolls but she doesn't mind.

She grabs them and holds them in her arms. She held up one and smiled at it. It looked a bit like Louie with it's green hoodie and dark green buttons. The other, looked like Lena, mischievous smirk and all. She held them close, thinking about when she could go home and hold the real ones.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now