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Aged up!

Lena had her head back laughing as she drove through the country outside of Duckburg. Her black hair flew back in the wind, her green feathers rustled and looked so soft, and her yellow eyes were filled with fire.

The witch was wearing a tattered old sweater that was covered in holes -Lena was never modest, was she?- and short shorts.

Louie found herself falling more in love with the woman in that moment. She reached down to fiddle with the short sundress she wore, a blush rising to her cheeks.

In the back Webby was sleeping through the drive, her long, pink hair covering her lovely face. She was wearing jeans and a button-up blouse that looked so beautiful on her.

Oh what it is like to take a drive through the country in a jeep you stole?

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now