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Huey had insisted they go hiking together as a family so he could get his 'Family Hiking' badge. "It would complete my sash!" he had said, trying to convince them. "Please? It could be an adventure!" Now that, that got his family's attention and soon Dewey too was begging for it.

Donald took one look at Huey and Dewey's puppy dog eyes and agreed, thinking what could go wrong? Scrooge didn't need to be asked twice, already knowing of a good hiking trail.

Webby was even easier to convince at the mention of jumping from tree to tree -though, honestly, their uncle Donald would forbid it.

Louie and Lena, on the other hand, were harder to convince. Neither of them liked exercise or nature much -at least that's what the others think, Louie and Lena both have a secret love of flowers that only they and Webby know of- and hiking was both. It took a few soft please's from Webby to get them to reluctantly agree.

So there they found themselves hiking through the forest outside the manor, with uncle Scrooge and Donald at the lead, Launchpad and Huey bringing up the rear, and the three of them smack dab in the middle.

Today Louie was wearing her favorite skirt, it was green and short and made of the softest cotton. She was holding the hands of her two girlfriends as they walked, butterflies fluttering softly as they talked about the flowers around them.

"Now lads and lasses," Scrooge called from up ahead, a wooden walking stick in hand replacing his cane. "The trail is about to get steep so watch your steps. I donae want yew rolling down the hill." his voice was light with the joke, but serious nonetheless.

Louie's butterflies turned to nervous wasps and she felt her partners squeeze her hands, reassuringly. She smiled at them but stopped when she felt two different pairs of eyes on her, and they weren't her girlfriends. She turned to see that her brothers had caught up to her and were giving her a look of... concern?

Huey touched her shoulder lightly, a small smile on his beak. "Don't worry Lou-Lou, we'll make sure you don't get hurt."

"Yeah!" Dewey agreed pumping his fist in the air. "I will punch a tree before ever letting you get hurt."

Louie chuckled, feeling safe right then, but unbeknownst to her, her brothers' words were just words and they weren't going to keep her safe this time.

The path got smaller, the higher it rose and a steep hill of trees and bushes was all Louie could see to the right. Sadly she had to let go of her girlfriends' hands so they all could walk the path safely. She felt the wasps get worse the more she walked, feeling as if she would slip at any moment.

She was right.

One misstep, the ground sliding out beneath her, and she was sent tumbling down the hill. All she could see, all she could hear, greens, browns, a chorus of her name in the air, twigs, branches clawing at her everywhere, and then a sharp pain that took her breath away when she came to a sudden stop.

Gasping for air, she tried to push herself into a sitting position only to feel sharp pain spread through her arm. Nope, not getting up. She went to move her leg only to feel pain in one of them too. Great. She was stuck here until her family decided to come down and get her.

If they ever do.

Louie pushed the thought away, frowning at herself. She hated when she thought like that. Her family loves her. And even if they didn't - They don't - her girlfriends would of course come to her rescue, right?

Crack! She turns her head up to the slope to see her uncle Scrooge and Webby slowly making their way down the slope.

"Stay still, lass," Scrooge called, causing the corners of Louie's beak to twitch up, he's using the correct pronouns even in a situation like this.

"I can't really move if I want to." Louie called back up, catching sight of Webby's concerned gaze become determined as she climbed up a tree and started jumping from tree to tree until she dropped down beside her girlfriend. Louie looked up at the girl with a playful smirk. "Hey there beautiful, do you come here often?"

Webby giggled, gently taking a hold of Louie's hurt arm. "Only for training purposes. How are you feeling, honey?" Louie's heart skipped a beat at the nickname. Webby only used that nickname when Louie was having one of those days or when she was opening up about her feelings.

Louie opened her mouth to reply, but Scrooge was by her side before she could. She didn't know what to say anyway.

Scrooge reached for Louie's other hand and squeezed it. "Do yew hurt anywhere, lass?" he looked down at the girl's leg and scowled. "Yew sprained yur ankle lass," he looked over to the arm Webby was gently stroking. "Does it hurt?"

Louie nodded, honestly too tired to speak anymore. Why did she have to be the one to get hurt? Actually, she would never wish any of this on her family... so it was better for her to be the one hurt, right?

Scrooge brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes and smiled sadly. "Aye'm gonna have to carry yew alright lass?" Louie nodded and used her one useful arm to cling to her uncle as he picked her up bridal style. "Aye told the others to meet us at the safer part of the path, since aye know these woods like the back of me numbah one dime."

After lots of walking and watching Webby jump from tree to tree, again, they met up with the rest of their family. Louie was instantly 'attacked' by her brothers with many questions about if she was okay or if she was in any pain. She tried to answer as many questions as she could but was cut off when she felt a soft hand on her arm.

Lena looked on the verge of tears but she was holding them in pretty well, waiting for when they could be alone together. Louie sent her a look agreeing to meet together later.


Louie looked up at the sound of a knock on her bedroom's open door. Standing there were Webby and Lena, both looking worse for wear. Everyone was. They were so scared they lost Louie in that fall. And if they did... No one wanted to think about that.

Louie looked at her brothers sitting beside her and smiled apologetically at them. They both quickly got the hint and walked out of the room, leaving the three alone. Almost immediately, Webby walked over to the bed and laid down next to Louie, careful not to bump her arm.

Louie felt happy with her presence, but Lena stayed where she was. It almost seemed like she was too scared to approach.

"Lena," Louie called softly, "It's okay, sweet pea."

At the use of the nickname Lena's damn broke down and she rushed over to cuddle against Louie's side and bury her face in her girlfriend's shoulder. Louie rubbed her back, awkwardly and whispered soft assurances to her. Webby carefully leaned over to rub Lena's back too, putting in her own soft words.

After awhile, Lena pulled back and moved to lay against her. "I was scared I was going to lose you..."

"I know..." Louie sighed. "I know."

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now