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His family thinks he's greedy. Louie would agree with them. They liked money more than they should. They liked bling and jewelry and diamonds and uncut gems. They liked luxury and getting what they want.

Louie hates that about themself. They want to change, be different but it was hard to. Hard to resist the urges to buy things with money he pick-pocketed -read; begged for- from their uncle.

A crystal that will be shaped like themself? Yes. A necklace that glows with protective magic? Why not? A crown definitely not stolen from another country? Sure.

Louie's desire to own anything and everything will get him in trouble it seems, since he's arrested the next day by royal guards. Guess his necklace doesn't protect him from bad deals, huh?

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now