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Louie is sure getting carried off by a pterodactyl shouldn't be the greatest moment in his life, but... He can't help but ramble excitedly to Lena and Webby about it afterwards. And when Lena shows him the picture she took of him getting taken away, he nearly cries.

Let me be honest here for a second, kay? When I started this I don't think I had a set storyline in mind other than Louie dealing with being genderfluid and poly romantic. Soon I'll be coming to the end of the queue and I plan to try and maybe go back in time with the drabbles and cover some stuff I skipped... and also sprinkle in some fun AUs.

Also enjoy me spamming yall with the rest of the queue so I can start anew.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now