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The silence was torture. The clock tic-tocked softly in the background, the only sound she could hear. Webby squirmed in her seat, watching the hand on the clock slowly move. She didn't like this game, she decided and turned her gaze to where Lena was sitting on the floor.

The teen was sitting criss-crossed, her eyes closed as she breathed in deeply. Meditating, Lena had said, its something my therapist wanted me to try.

Webby had tried to join her, but she couldn't bring herself to relax. She was more round up than Huey on sugar. She didn't know why today of all days and this moment of all moments did she have to have so much energy.

She tumbled forward, sprawling herself on the carpet. She groaned softly, missing the amused smirk on Lena's beak.

Silence is torture.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now