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Food was hard to find on the street, Lena knew that well. She had to steal from stores and beg for food at fast food places to get a sort of decent meal. But she didn't let that bother her.

She didn't have any friends, either, constantly moving from place to place to get closer to Scrooge McDuck. That didn't bother her too much.

But then she met Webby. When she first met the girl, all she saw her as was a way to get into the manor and get the dime. Then they fought the Beagle family together and okay, maybe she did think the girl was cool. And meeting the Terrafirmians? That also was pretty cool.

She wouldn't admit out loud -at least, not when she was still under Magica's influence- but she enjoyed Webby's company. The girl introduced her to a feeling she never expected to feel -love- and helped her somewhat quench a hunger she never knew she had -not talking about food, but it is still a pro nonetheless.

"Webs," Lena said, holding said girl in her arms. "Is being hungry for affection a thing?"

Too tired to check for grammar mistakes, if you spot any, let me know.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now