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This idea kind of... didn't go the way I wanted it to, but I kind of dig what I wrote.

Age 5
Deer Gladston

Unca donal sad i can write u now

I miss u

when u come back2

i drew us

[Insert very child-like drawing of Louie holding hands with Gladstone]

bye bye

Age 6
Deer Gladston

I start first grade soon! I'm esited about it!

can you come to my birthday this year?

Age 7
Dear Gladstone

Uncle Donald doesn't seem to like you much. Why is that? You're pretty cool. Maybe he just doesn't see what I see... Um...

Yeah, I think thats it?

See ya, uncle Gladstone!

Age 7
You didn't come to my birthday... is something wrong? Were you in another country when you got my letter?

Age 8
Dear Gladstone

I know you're probably busy and all but it would be nice if you could send me something? Anywho, school is hard... the teachers don't get me and call me lazy. I'm doing my best.

Age 8
Dear Gladstone

Sorry about all my whining for hand outs...

Age 9
Dear Gladstone

I feel weird... different... someone called me a girl yesterday and it didn't upset me. Is that weird? Maybe I just have thick skin or something...

Do you even read these?

Age 9
Dear Gladstone

Ignore the last letter, I was just being silly. I've just heard the insult too many times to be hurt by it.

And of course you read these

Age 10
You wanted to use Uncle Donald. You didn't even care that I was there. Do you even read these letters? Do you even look at them? Or do you just toss them away like all the money and luxurious things your luck brings you? Do you reuse the envelopes like you use your family?


Gladstone stared at the letter for a long time, re-reading the words over and over again. Louie was furious. Louie was hurt. How could he have done this to them? He knows, logically, that its all okay now. That just a little ways away from the stack of older letters is a crisp new one.

He just has to open it and remember the day he apologized, the day he made things right. He closed the painful letter and set it aside, just as quickly opening the new one.


Dear Gladstone
The dress you bought me is amazing and so soft! I swear Dewey is jealous of it, he keeps eyeing it. Maybe the next time you're in town we can take him dress shopping? Webby and Lena, my girlfriends by the way -you met Webby already but I'm sure you would love Lena- really like it too!

I hope you come visit soon! I came up with a few get-rich-quick schemes that are definitely not Donald-approved so that will be fun!


Gladstone laughed, re-reading the letter again. Louie was a good kid. His gaze flickered back up to the sentence about Dewey and the dress. He quirked an eyebrow, a silent wish granted. He knows his luck will do the job.

Setting the letter aside, he pulled a blank piece of paper to him. Better late than never, he supposed.

Dear Louie...

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن