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On good days, Louie takes his brothers' jokes and jabs with a grain of salt. They didn't mean what they say. He knows that. He always knows that.

But on bad days...

Louie sits in a random closet, his knees pulled up to his chest, tears flowing down his cheeks. Was he a bad person? Of course, his mind replies and he sniffles. You're worthless. They don't want you. They would be better off if you were d-

Lena's the one to find him. She closes the door behind her, blocking out the light -for both of their benefits, he noticing her flinch at the sight of her shadow- and takes a seat in front of him. She doesn't speak, just sits there, a comforting presence.

After a few minutes, she spreads her arms, open and waiting. Louie practically tackles her, muffling his sobs in her shoulder. She awkwardly rubs his back, but it's enough for him.

"You're not a bad person..." she whispers softly, one hand settling on the back of his head to run through his feathers. "You're a great guy..."

And for once, right then, Louie believed it.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now