Odds and Ends

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There is art supplies and scraps of paper scattered across Louie's bed, left from a night of scrapbooking (and junk-journaling) with Webby. Louie picks up the remains of a piece of red paper with the shape of a heart cut out. His stomach twists with butterflies.

Webby cut out the heart and smiled softly. "This will go on the page detailing when you and Lena asked me out." she holds it close to her chest and sighs longingly. "That was my favorite day."

Louie blushes lightly and chuckles. "Mine too... I'm so happy you said yes." he leaned over to peck her cheek.

Hearts practically danced in Louie's eyes as the memory played out in his mind. He felt a hand slide into his and he turned to see Webby standing by his side. He didn't even let the thought of how she got in there -or how she did it so quietly- cross his mind.

"Need some help?" she asked, looking at him with big, blue eyes.

Louie smiled softly and leaned over to nuzzle her cheek. "That would be nice, Webs."

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now