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All their hard work, all of the videos they edited, all of the videos they collected, they were all gone. Louie felt numb with anger. They was so mad at the flashdrive they used. They wanted to chuck it across the room, but they couldn't. Breaking it wouldn't fix anything.

But maybe breaking themself would. Louie squeezed their wrist, wanting to break it, to punish themself for being so stupid. You knew the files weren't transferring right, why didn't you just stop? You're an idiot!

"If you're trying to get out of something by breaking your wrist," their gaze snapped up to see Lena standing in the doorway of their room, arms crossed over her chest, and leaning against the door. "You need to try better than that."

Louie was momentarily silenced by the sight of their girlfriend, before they grumbled, "Leave me alone." and looked back down at their computer.

Lena knew when people wanted space, but Louie sounded so defeated, she couldn't leave them like this. She walked over to their bed and sat down on the edge of it, a few inches away from them.

"Talk to me," she urged softly, reaching over to place her hand on Louie's. When they didn't pull away, she squeezed their hand.

Louie reached up to rub at non-existent tears, a sigh escaping their beak. "I... I moved files to a flashdrive and most of them were messed up and I didn't know until I deleted the originals..." they closed the laptop, a tear sliding down their face. "I'm so stupid, I deserve to-"

"Hey," Lena cut him off, voice as soft as possible. "You didn't know, okay? You made a mistake. Don't beat yourself up over it." she cupped their cheek and stroked it with her thumb. "Okay?"

Louie nodded slowly, taking in her words. After a few minutes of just processing it, they let a small smile grace their face. "Okay."

Louie was so glad to have Lena in their life.

Let me let you in on a little secret, I've written many of these drabbles at one time so I have many ready to post. I'm proud of a lot of them...

And I wasn't planning on saying this, but some of them are really relatable to me, some not so much but writing them is like... catharsis. So... I feel like maybe some of you readers might need to read some of these things, you know?

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now