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Louie stands on the edge of the dock, feeling the old, rotting wood beneath his feet. He knows if he takes one wrong step, presses too hard on certain boards, he would plummet into the icy cold water below. Or, he muses inching closer to the brink, he could step off himself.

He could fall, getting swept under the waves almost immediately. He could let the water drag him out to sea, give his family more trouble as they search for whatever will be left of his body. He could say goodbye to everything.

Instead, Louie sits on the edge, feet dangling off as he watched the sunset reflect on the water. He feels someone sit down beside him, but he doesn't turn to see who it is. He knows who it is.

"Louie," his uncle Donald speaks up after a few minutes. "I know you don't like this but..." he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Scrooge is offering us a place at the manor. It'll be good for us."

Louie doesn't reply, gaze still locked on the slow movement of the waves.

Donald sighed, once again, and moved to get up. "Just... just think about it, okay?" Louie listens to his uncle walk away, shoulders tensing.

He didn't want to leave his home to go live in a stuffy mansion with an uncle he didn't even know he had. Yeah, sure, the money would be good and he could stop worrying about eating too much food but...

He didn't want to say goodbye to the ocean.

Heart's Desire, Heart's Pain {LouWebena}Where stories live. Discover now