Part 51

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Peter: (shouts to Ned because its very noisy) I don't feel right here, i feel like im cheating on y/n. Can we go?

Ned: Not cheating if you aren't doing anything and no we aren't going we are in fucking junior year and have done no shit even Y/n has done something gosh I wouldn't be surprised if she secretly worked here.

Peter: Fine but I swear to god this is the first and last time we are coming here.

Ned: Uhhh huh buzz kill stop acting like a douche a girl is coming to us and be nice it's her job.

Peter: Prostitution is not a job I feel bad for most of these girls.

Y/n: (does choreographed routine and in a fake accent talks to Peter and Ned) Why are some innocent looking boys like y'all doing in a place like this? *I should try to act natural but fucking Peter is right there I'm so pissed at him*

Ned: Trying something new I guess

Peter: How about you, you seem too nice to be working here I bet the other girls don't make conversation with the customer.

Y/n: Well i'm just trying to be what you said, be nice. It's not like all the girls actually want to work as strippers some of us are here for bigger purposes and the pay is pretty good too.

Peter: * Wow she's sassy. Reminds me of y/n, the person I would be with but she had to do something so that's off the list* You know you would make good friends with my girlfriend Y/n.

Y/n: * if he figures out its me, I'll have a lot of explaining to do* I would love to meet this girl, she is probably very pretty.

Peter: Yeah she really is, but she is probably doing bigger and better things, because she can't make time to hang out with her boyfriend.

Y/n: * Wow, that hit me in the gut Parker* She is probably doing something important, but still loves you just as much.

Peter: Probably, but it still hurts. I even had a big surprised planned for her the other day but she ditched me to do better things.

Y/n: Can i ask what it was?

Peter: I got her this (Peter pulls out a jewelry box and all you could think is please don't be a ring, and it reveals to be a beautiful diamond necklace)

Y/n: Oh my god that's....that's beautiful!!! She is one lucky girl. I bet you she will love it, just let her have 15 minutes when she gets home, she will be too rushed with whatever she came from.

Peter: I'll take that in mind. * If she is right i swear she is a sorcerer*

Ned: Hey guys, I love the conversation, I really do, but I'm the one paying. Peter didn't want to because he was too pussy, but we never caught your name.

Peter: Ned!! Aren't you dating MJ so don't pull that card?!

Y/n: *MJ is dating Ned TF* Oh right, sorry. How unprofessional of me. I'm new at this, honestly I'm only here to help me pay for tuition and rent. I got kicked out of my orphanage at 12 and have been living on my own ever since. They call me Black Cat, but you boys, can call me Black Kitty.

*time skip to when it's late at night and you are changing to go to sleep*

Y/n: *it's been a long day, i almost got caught*

(As you are changing you decide to sleep with one of Peter's shirt and simple panties. And you put your hair into one of those messy buns. As you are crawling into bed you hear a faint knock)

Y/n: Come in.

Peter: (Peter crawls in through your balcony) Hey, love. It's Peter. I was wondering if you would ever let me inside this room again.

Y/n: Very funny Spider Boy.

Peter: (comes over and sits on the edge of your bed) I wanted to apologize for earlier I guess I over reacted, you know? I just came to say sorry and also spend the night in your room, it's way warmer than mine for some reason. (Peter says with a weak smile) Before that i want to show you something. it's up at the rooftop, lets go. (He turns around to go but shouts) Don't forget a sweater, it's cold at night.

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