The Host x Child! Reader

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(A/N)--sorry for writing so many fics with this man, but i'm a sucker for Hosty toasty, what can I say? also I hc Host's singing voice to sound like the guy in the video, especially during the chorus hoo boi-

you're like early to mid teens in this btw

(y/n)'s POV

I shot up from my bed in a panic, but the blankets over me pulled me down. i bit back a scream and thrashed around, trying to escape from underneath the covers that comforted me when i went to bed, but now felt all too hot. Finally, I fell off the bed and landed on the floor with a dull thud, the blankets still wrapped around my legs. I kicked them off as fast as i possibly could, then scrambled over to the wall, pressing my back against it. My breathing was still heavy, my heart was pounding in my chest, and the darkness of my room certainly wasn't helping anything, so I wiped the stinging tears from my eyes and turned on the flashlight that lied on my nightstand to let myself relax a bit in the comforting glow. 

I rarely ever had nightmares, but when I did they were bad and they always left me shaken afterwards. That was the case here, too. The details were fuzzy, but the bits I did remember...

Blood. Some of it black, most of it red. lots of it, covering the floor in puddles, half dried. Running through the house, looking for someone, anyone, but finding nothing, only eerie, suffocating silence and a sense of dread. Assuming the worst and kneeling on the ground, bursting into tears, not even caring if the blood stained my pants. 

Thinking about it only made my panic worsen. I took a few deep breaths, but nothing seemed to be working. 

"Maybe if I find one of the others it'll calm me down..." I thought to myself. 

Nodding, I stood on shaky legs, barely able to keep myself upright. I shut off the flashlight. I didn't want to wake anyone up, after all, and I knew the house like the back of my hand anyway. I shuffled my way across the room and to the door that led to the long hallway connecting the bedrooms together.

As I stepped out, I blinked in surprise. the lights in the hallway were on. It was as if they expected someone to be out this late. but that couldn't be the case, obviously. They couldn't have known. No one that cared could've known, anyway, and It was more likely that someone had just forgotten to turn them off.

I went through a list of my family members in my mind, trying to guess which ones i'd be least likely to bother if I visited them. Oliver was usually the one I went to when i had nightmares, but he was helping Wilford and Bim with some kind of Late Late Show ripoff. I ruled King out as a possibility immediately, seeing as he slept in his treehouse and I was not about to go into the forest this late. Ed, Bing, Randall, and Silver all slept (or charged, in Bing's case) like rocks, so I couldn't wake them up even if i wanted to, Yan slept with their katana and I didn't want to risk my life waking them up. I wasn't even sure that Dark and the other three Googles slept, but they scared me.

One by one, I checked people off the list in my head until I was left with three options. Eric, Dr. Iplier, and The Host. Eric was really anxious and one of the only times when he was calm was when he was sleeping, and i'd feel horrible waking him up to bother him with my problems. I just knew that the Doctor, however good his intentions were, would ask me way too many questions and make it worse. And that left my only option.

I sighed and headed towards the end of the hallway. Slowly, so as not to be thrown off balance by my still shaking legs. If I was being honest with myself, The Host scared me too, almost as much as Dark did, but I would've done anything to just be in the same room with another person at that moment. So off I went.

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