Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The blackfish had seen Jaslin and Sandor off the next day with fresh supplies and a wish of good luck. Their journey to the Twins of the Freys would take them two days, and Jaslin prayed Robb would still be there when they reached their destination.

The couple rode hard all day and into part of the night, finally stopping to make camp then Sandor had demanded Jaslin rest. They then eat their supper and made love into the night as the stars light up the ground around them. In the morning, they quickly continued on their journey, with the hope of arriving to the Twins just after nightfall.

That was when everything went terribly wrong.

Once Sandor and Jaslin had snuck through the gates of the Twins, the sight they found was sickening. All around the courtyard, the Frey guards and swordsman cut down the Northern soldiers like pigs to the slaughter. At the site of the battle, Sandor had grabbed Jaslin and pulled her back into the safety of the covering darkness.

"No, where is Robb, we must find Robb and Lady Stark" she pleaded.

That was when she saw it. Marching through the courtyard, the beheaded body of Robb Stark was carried around on horse back. Attached to his lifeless body was the head of his wolf. Jaslin could not help but let out a blood curdling scream at the site as she instantly felt the need to do be sick.

Sandor was still holding onto Jaslin tightly, but as she continued to scream and cry, trashing her pregnant body around, Sandor suddenly lost his grip on the woman. Without even thinking about Sandor or the child inside of her, Jaslin rushed forwards into the madness.

Sandor roared her name and ran after. In the mid of the chaos he had lost sight of her though. Panic soon filled his system as he looked around frantically for her but saw only bloodshed.

Further in the courtyard, Jaslin had run into the middle of the madness, she wasn't sure what her plan was, but she couldn't just stand and watch. As she continued to push through the crowds, she suddenly tripped on a dead body and began to stumble backwards. Losing complete balance she fell backwards, but she was at the edge of the courtyard and to her side was the small wall with the river below. With no control, she fell back against the wall, flipping over it and finally into the icy cold waters below.

Sandor had now been recognised back in the courtyard and was soon fighting for his life. Still he saw no sigh of Jaslin and ran back to collect his horse. From the extra height upon his horse, Sandor was still unable to see Jaslin anywhere. The front gates to the towers were blocked so he knew she couldn't have ran inside. The only other possible place she could have ran to way back through the courtyard and to the safety of the surrounding woodlands, not likely scared and hiding for her life. So Sandor did the only the only thing he could think of, and headed back to where they had come from.

In the cold waters of the River Trident, Jaslin fought for her life to try and stay afloat. Her cloak and dress were quickly weighing her down though, so in the mids of her panic, she struggled to release her body from cloak. Finally she was free of the extra weight and slowly began to find ease in her swimming. The closest land was back towards the entrance of the Twins and Jaslin knew she would find no safety there. So she began to swim north, moving closer to the edge each time. If Sandor was still around, she hoped he would know to head north. They had no other way to go anyway, so north Jaslin swam.

Jaslin didn't know how long she had been swimming when her muscles in her legs began to cramp and her chest burned from breathing in the cold wet air. She knew if she stopped moving she would sink though. Thinking of her unborn baby, Jaslin forced herself on, finally moving away from the madness behind towards the ghostly quiet northern woodlands along the shore of the river.

Soon enough, the river began more shallow and Jaslin was able to drag her painfully sore body onto the banks of the river. As she rolled onto her back and tried to calming her heavy breathing Jaslin took in her surrounding. She had been here before, on her way from Winterfell to Kings Landing. God's, how long ago that felt, like another time in another life. She remembered watching Arya brush her grunot wolf's hair on ever river bank, as Sansa argued with her about joining them in the royal wagon. How she had been forced to spend the afternoon with Sandor Clegane, who at the time Jaslin hated, and how she later watch him carry the dead body of the poor butchers boy through the camp. As 100 memories soon flooded her mind, Jaslin felt her eyes close with exhaustion. She could now longer fight, no longer survive, all she wanted was rest and peace. So slowly she rested her eyes and thought of the family she onced had.

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