Chapter 8

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"Christina..." A sing songing voice called to her through her dream.

"Christina." The voice, a little louder this time, started to break through the fog.

"CHRISTINA!!!!" A body landed on her bed at the same time the voice yelled her name.

"Son of a Bitch! What the hell is going on?" Christina tried to sit up, but a strong arm held her down and tried to tickle her.

"Liam you bastard get off of me!" she said with a squeal.

"You've been sleeping forever, and mum insists we wait for you to wake up to eat. Get up! I'm starving." Liam pushed her one last time to get up and jumped out of the way of her swinging fist.

"God, Liam. You could have just woken me up like a normal person instead of a raving lunatic." Christina rolled out of bed and stretched.

"He is an idiot." A familiar voice came from the doorway.

"Oh Christ!" She spun around and saw Finley standing in the hallway outside of her room. The door was still wide open from Liam's unannounced wake up call.

"I don't walk on water or turn water into wine, but I am pretty good at some other things." Finley said leaning on the doorjamb.

Rolling her eyes, Christina asked, "Why are you here?"

"Liam asked me to go running with him this morning." The thought of Finley's sweaty body ran through her mind.

"Your standing outside my door why?"

"I wanted to see you and maybe chat?"

Sighing, "I don't think we have anything to say to one another. Now, I need you to go so I can get dressed." Christina slammed the door in Finley's face. As she picked up her clothes to get dressed she could have sworn she her a deep chuckle and a mumbled "We will see."


After showering, dressing in comfortable leggings, a long t-shirt and piling her damp hair on her head in a messy bun, she took a moment to look in the mirror. She would never be considered a real beauty. Wavy auburn hair, light blue eyes and an unextraordinary face. Her curvy body was slightly overweight which she tended to hide in clothes that were too big. She wasn't like her beautiful aunt and cousins. Tamsin and Imogen could easily be walking on runways all across Europe. Liam, Jude and Dex were the very definition of hunky alpha males. Though she was the plainer American cousin, they never treated her that way. It seemed that Finley may not see her that way either. Taking a deep breath, Christina held her head high and made her way down to the kitchen.

"What the bloody hell is he doing here?" Christina heard Dex shout.

"Dexter! You do not talk about a guest like that. Sit your arse down." Aunt Valentina said.

"Mum! Did you just say arse?" Liam asked

Ignoring Liam's question, she said, "Liam asked Finley to stay after they went running. We have plenty and he is more than welcome to be here."

"I agree, mum. Dexter could you please use some decorum?" Liam said in his best upper crust voice. "Ow!"

"Liam, we are waiting for your cousin. Don't go picking at the sausages. We are not savages in this house."

"Mum", Liam whined, "She is taking forever."

"No, she's not you whiny baby. She's right here." Christina said stepping into the dining room.

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