Chapter 32

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Three weeks had passed since Christina made her decision to tell her story. To get Garrett Reeve tried in the court of public opinion. Her first interview was the worse. She barely held it together. Finley was her pillar of strength that kept her tethered to the spot. Running screaming from the interview wouldn't look good. The television host was respectful but did ask some very probing questions.

"What would make him think you were interested in him?"

"Why did you let him into your apartment?"

"Why didn't you tell anyone about the texts?"

"You were never attracted to Mr. Reeve?"

"Have you dated a lot of athletes?"

"Are you angry at the police for not doing more?"

"How could you be in a relationship so soon after it happened?"

"Why should we believe you?"

The last was the toughest to answer. She didn't have a good answer. The comments after the interview were painful. Most pitied her, but others thought she was just a gold digger. Looking for her fifteen minutes of fame by accusing an innocent football player. Through it all, Finley held her hand. Now, everyone knew her story and that she was with Finley Wilson.

Mail became something she dreaded. Threatening letters came like a waterfall, devastating and seemingly never ending. The letters weren't all bad though. Some letters had her crying. Women and men praising her strength. Telling their stories of abuse, rape and assault. The struggles they had to overcome and continue to overcome on a daily basis. Christina became obsessed with the letters and emails. Ruby began limiting her exposure to them.

"Times up." Ruby called from her seat on the couch.

"I'm almost done." Christina sniffled.

"You are done." She snatched the letter out of her hand.

"What are-"

"You are killing yourself with these letters. I see you deteriorating by the day." Ruby looked at the letter she'd been reading. Shaking her head, she tore the letter into little pieces. "These are the worst ones. Don't read the ones threatening you."

A knock reverberated through their apartment. Ruby walked over to the door, after disposing the letter in the trash. She looked through the peephole and looked confused.

"Who is it?" Christina asked.

"It's some guy in a suit. You want me see what he wants."


Ruby opened the door. "Yes?"

"Is Christina Scott here?"

"May I ask who it is." Ruby said moving the door to block his view into the apartment.

"Richard Townsend. I am an attorney for Garrett Reeve."

Ruby slammed the door in his face.

"Why did you do that?" Christina asked then got up from the couch.

"You don't need to deal with him. He can contact your lawyer." Ruby crossed her arms.

Christina sighed and went back to the door. Opening the door, she saw the lawyer waiting at the elevator. "Mr. Townsend?"

He turned and walked back to the door. "Ms. Scott?"


"Can I come in?"

"No. You can say what you want here." She stood with her arms crossed.

He sighed as if frustrated. "Mr. Reeve would like you to take this as compensation."

"What is this for?"

Clearing his throat, he shifted nervously. "He wants you to have it as a form of apology."

Christina opened the envelope and looked at the check. One hundred dollars. An athlete that made millions of dollars and nearly killed her thought her pain, nightmares and constant fear was only worth one hundred dollars.

"Is this a joke?"

"No. We feel this is ample compensation. Once you accept the check we need you to sign a statement retracting your statements."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Came Ruby's voice from behind her. "That miserable son of a bitch can go to hell."

Mr. Townsend stared at Christina waiting for an answer. Her world began to dip. She could feel herself ready to pass out. She needed to handle this first. "I'm worth one hundred dollars? A high-priced hooker is worth more."

"Yes, but he did not have sex with you." He said flatly.

"So, if he'd actually raped me I'd have been worth more?"

He was smart enough not to answer that question.

Ripping up the check, she handed the pieces to him. "I'm going to pass on your "generous offer"."

Slamming the door in his face was as satisfying as seeing him stare at the pieces in his hand.

"I'm so proud of you." Ruby said.

"I'm proud of me too. That was probably the most insulting thing that has ever happened to me."

The door to their apartment swung open and Finley walked through carrying Chinese food.

"Food is here, ladies." He said dumping the containers unceremoniously on the dining table.

"You missed it, Finley." Ruby said.

"What did I miss?" He asked absently.

"Christina had a visitor."

That got his attention. He furrowed his brow and looked at Christina.

Christina sighed and launched into the story about the lawyer, the offer and the stipulation. As the story progressed, Finley's face turned an alarming shade of red. His fists tightened and released, tightened and released.

"I will be right back." He said and strode to the door.

"Finley! Don't!" Christina called.

He stopped with his hand on the knob. Chest rising and falling with deep breaths. "This is hard for me, Christina. I promised to protect you."

Placing a hand on his arm, Christina drew his attention. "You didn't need to. I'm not as fragile as you think I am."

"I know that, dove. I just can't stand knowing that arse sent his wanker of a lawyer here to offer you a piss poor amount of money. Not that I think you should take money for any of this." He held her in his arms.

"It's ok, babe. Ruby and I had it handled. That lawyer wasn't coming in or getting his way with the two of us."

"That's right." Ruby said with a mouth full of egg roll.

Laughing Finley, looked at her with such love it was tangible. "I love you, my dove."

"I love you, my over protective Neanderthal." He gaped at her. Then took a kiss that had her weak in the knees.

"Get a room." Ruby said with another mouth full of food.

"Get some manners." Christina said over to Ruby. Finley laughed and kissed her again.

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