Chapter 12

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"Hey, stranger! How goes things on the other side of the pond?" Ruby said.

"Oh, you know...reprimanding my cousins, being conflicted about a hot guy and constantly thinking about how low my life has gotten." Christina said with a melancholy tone.

"Hot guy? You've been holding out on me. Spill it!"

"That's all you got out of what I said?"

"No. I just chose to ignore your self-loathing, self-pitying pity party. Enough stalling...I need the details."


Christina went into details about Finley. From the moment she saw him after the rugby game to their electric chemistry in the pub. Christina went into detail about what she saw at the pub, Finley's apology and their day together. Being the perfect best friend, she swooned, got spitting mad at the appropriate times and sighed by the end. Going through the story out loud she started to feel silly for being upset with him and ignoring his texts.

"Well, you certainly are having an adventure." She finally said.

"Yes, I would say that. Ruby I don't know what to do. I know that I am attracted to him and he is attracted to me. But, after what happened at S.E.M Inc how could I possibly want to be with an athlete?"

"Easy, he's sexy, sweet, smart and apparently a really great guy. The story with the little boy makes him especially swoony."

"I admit he doesn't seem like the typical athlete. I just have so many reservations and it doesn't help that my cousins, his teammates, are trying to warn me off. Especially, Dex. He's kind of going crazy with the idea of me being with him. I don't get it. We haven't seen each other in years."

"You're family, hun. They love you no matter how many years it has been. If they even know a little bit of what you went through before you went over there then they are definitely going to be protective."

"Hmmm. I guess that makes sense. I just wish you were here. Maybe if you were then I'd feel better and know what to do."

"I miss you too. We would definitely paint Europe red. As for Finley, I don't think it would be a bad thing to have an affair while you were there. It doesn't have to be an actual relationship. Use him for that body and use that big cock we know he has." She giggled.

"We don't know that, and I am not looking for an affair. I'm ok with being his friend."

"Yeah but is he really ok with just friends? From what you told me he sounds like he wants more than friends."

Christina sighed again. "Ok. Say he wants more than friends. Why me? There are those women hanging around. Clearly, he can get whoever he wants. I've seen the groupies that hang around this team. They aren't exactly homely. I'm just a plain Jane. So, why me? "

Now it was Ruby's turn to sigh. "You know I hate when you cut yourself down. Why wouldn't he be interested in you? You are smart, sassy, pretty and loyal to a fault. If he even saw a glimpse of what I know you have then he probably can't stay away from you. On top of it all, your cousins are making you appear more mysterious and he definitely wants to solve that mystery. "

"So, are you telling me to text him back?"

"Yes, you idiot. Text the sexy, hot man back. Even if you don't want an affair use him to have fantastic adventures that you will be able to tell your grandchildren about while rocking in your rocking chair."

"Wow...that was awfully specific."

"I work in IT. It's all about the specifics for us."

"Speaking of which shouldn't you be working right now?"

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