Chapter 34

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"Oh, there you are, Finley." Valentina said looking around. "Where's Christina?"

"What do you mean where's Christina?"

"I sent her to find you. You didn't come back because of her?"

"No. I went out to my car to get the card I forgot to bring in." A bad feeling washed over him. "I will go get her."

A worried looked crossed Valentina's face. "Ok, dear."

Finley walked quickly through all of the rooms he was familiar with. Panic flooded his veins when he still couldn't find her after checking the last of the rooms. Running out to the backyard he saw no one around. Turning to head back inside, something shiny caught his eye. Walking over to the shiny item he bent and picked it up. Christina's head scarf. Balling it in his fist he ran back inside.

"Someone call the police." He yelled.

"What's wrong?" James Scott asked.

"This." He held out the scarf for everyone to see. "Since her accident, Christina hasn't gone anywhere without her head covered. She was wearing this tonight."

Valentina gasped and covered her mouth.

"What could have happened?" Dex asked.

Finley threw his hands in the air. "I don't know, but if we just stand around and ask stupid questions we will never find out."

Valentina put her hand on his arm. "Ok, Finley. The police are on their way. We will figure out what is going on. I'm sure it's an easy explanation.

Everything in Finley's body told him this wasn't something good. If they didn't find her soon, something bad was going to happen.


"Let's go over this one more time. Where were you?" The police questioned Finley away from the Scotts.

Frustration built in Finley. He knew he needed to keep his cool but the bobbie in front of him clearly thought little of their concern. Who would really think twice of a grown woman just walking away?

"I will take care of this, Watson." A familiar voice answered.

"Yes sir." The bobbie left leaving Finley facing the one man he wanted to talk to.

"His name is Watson?"

"It's quite unfortunate. He is no where near that level." Detective Valient sat in front of him. "What happened, Finley?"

Finley detailed everything that happened that day. Going through everything again had him inspecting every detail. Wondering if he could have missed someone or something. There was no way he'd missed anything. He'd been so careful.

"Ok. Are you and Christina happy?"

Sighing, "Yes. At least I can speak for me, but Christina and I haven't had any issues. I'm in love with her and she's in love with me." Finley hoped that was true. He forced himself not to second guess that fact.

"After talking to the Scotts, I agree with you. Something happened, and I'm worried it could be connected to her coming out about Garrett Reeves."

"Do you think he had something to do with this?"

"I don't know. Everything is pretty gray right now. It may be totally unrelated to him and related to something else entirely. We don't know yet. We need to look at everything possible."

Finley jumped up. "Are you fucking kidding me? Some one fucking has her and you are taking your time. She could be hurt or worse." He got choked up with that last thought. Nothing could happen to her. He wouldn't let it.

"Calm down, Finley. We are on top of this. I promise you."

Finley and the Scotts talked to police for the next couple hours. As the hours passed the harder it got to sit and wait. How could they expect him to sit and wait for someone else to find her? Finley knew he could do it if they let him. Looking at the Scotts he knew he wasn't alone in those feelings. Dex, Liam and James Scott took turns pacing and ranting. Sitting and ranting was doing nothing to find Christina.

All of a sudden a thought struck like lightning. "Oh no. Did anyone call Ruby?"

Silence met his question.

"I will call her." Dex said.

"I will call her. She will pick up my call." Imogen said and walked out of the room. Dex slumped defeated in his chair.

Imogen returned shortly after her call to Ruby. "Ruby knew already. The police are there now. She's giving them all of the letters Christina has gotten. According to the police, Christina never gave them the threatening letters like she was supposed to."

"This isn't her fault, Imogen." Liam said.

"I didn't say it was. But, it was stupid of her to not turn those in." She shrugged.

"What will happen if they don't find anything?" Liam asked.

"They will find something." Dex replied.

Finley couldn't take it anymore. He stood and walked out of the room. Sitting wasn't going to help him. Talking about a future without Christina in it wasn't something he could comprehend. He needed to believe they would find something. Find her. A life without her was no life he'd want to live. He wouldn't go back to that.

An arm went around his shoulders. "I know it's tough, son. Don't give up hope."

"I haven't, and I won't ever give up. I just can't sit there while the questions of what if all hope is gone are asked. You can't ask me to deal with that right now."

"No one is asking that of you. I know how you feel about her. She feels the same."

"I don't know what to do next."

"You need rest. Why don't you go home? Detective Valient knows where you live and how invested you are. If we need to be involved, you won't do her any good if you can't really help." James Scott said. "Work out some frustrations in that gym you have. It will help."

Finley nodded and began to walk away. Christina had to be ok. There was no other choice.

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