Chapter 9

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Finley felt invigorated when he walked up to the Scott home the next morning. Before he could knock, the door swung open with Dex standing in the doorway. Behind him stood his brothers, Liam and Jude. Finley couldn't help but smile at the protectiveness these three men were showing for their American cousin. Finley felt the same way with his little sister.

"Hello, Dex." Finley smiled smugly.

"Don't smile at me like that. I'm not one of the wenches whose knickers you can get into. What are your plans with Christina today?"

"Those plans are between me and her."

"We won't let her go until you tell us where you are going." Dex said nodding toward his brothers as back up.

Finley sighed but what he really wanted to do was laugh. Christina was a grown woman. A woman who enchanted him and he needed to know more about her. "We are going out and about."

"I don't like the sound of that. It sounds really shifty. Maybe one of us should come along. That way we know you won't do anything ungentlemanly." If they only knew the thoughts floating through his head, they would never let him alone with her.

"What the hell is going on?" Christina said. She stood on the stairs staring down at them. She was wearing a pair of form fitted jeans, boots, a curve enticing sweater and a scarf. She moved down the steps scowling at all of them. Grabbing her coat and purse she moved toward the door.

"Well, Dex? What the hell is going on?" Finley watched Dex squirm under his cousins piercing gaze.

"I...uh...we wanted to just make sure you were going to be safe with this tosser."

Finley made a move to defend himself but was cut off by Christina's crisp and angry retort. "Dex! Who do you think you are? Do you think I'm stupid? Do you really think I would go out with someone who I thought might harm me? It's a wonder I have survived living in Chicago all by myself with out hulking men to protect me. Gee, Dex, how have I lived this long without you and your idiot sidekicks here protecting me from my horrible judgment as a woman. Good thing, I've finally come here and let you run my life. Whew!"

Silence followed her rant. The ticking of the cuckoo clock was the only thing that could be heard. Loud laughter finally broke the silence. "Oh fuck me. That was fucking fantastic, Christina. If Dex, had a tail it would be good and truly between his legs." Liam said.

"I don't know why you are laughing. You were my back up." Dex said shooting his brother a death glare.

"You dragged us into this because you wanted to intimidate, Finley." Jude looked at Finley and said, "Sorry, man." Jude walked toward the kitchen.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Dexter?" Christina said standing next to Finley now.

"I just wanted to look out for you. You don't know him. You don't know what he is like." Dex said adamantly.

"I may not, Dex, but it is not your place to stop me from going out with my new friend." Dex gaped at her. "That's right, Dex. I said friend. I am not dating anyone. There was no reason for you to act the way you did. It's a shame you couldn't be an adult and ask me what was going on. Now, I am leaving with my friend, Finley and you are going to butt out. Got it?"

"Got it. Sorry, Christina."

"Let's go, Finley." She turned on her heel and strode out of the house while putting her coat on. Finley was so stunned it took him a minute to catch up with her.

Christina opened her door before Finley could get to it and settled herself into his car. He jumped into his car, his excitement near to bursting. He couldn't help himself and stared at her while she settled herself in the seat. She truly was a stunning beauty that made his heart pound in ways that weren't entirely sexual. Oh, those feeling were definitely there considering the way his pants kept getting tighter. Turning away quickly, he attempted to adjust himself so she wouldn't see how she affected him.

Clearing his throat, he said, "Ready?"

"Absolutely." She said with a smile.

Starting the car, they pulled away and started their journey for the day. "Ok, Mr. Tour guide, where are you taking me today?"

"I'm not telling you." He smirked.

"Oh really are taking me somewhere to kill me aren't you."

Finley snapped his gaze over to her and away from the road. He then saw her smirk and sighed in relief. "Smart ass."

Christina smiled. "Come on at least give me a hint."

"Ok. We aren't driving there."

" many options."

Finley smiled while he drove the short distance to the car park outside of the train station. Listening to her going through all the possibilities reminded him of his trips with his family when he was younger. His parents always liked to surprise them with day trips when they could. He grew up poor. Small day trips were events burned into his memories. They were some of the happiest memories he has from his childhood.

"Finley!" Christina said shaking him. "We have been sitting here for five minutes with you staring out the windshield. What were you thinking about?"

"I was just remembering the small trips my family took when I was younger. They are some of the happiest memories I have."

Christina stared at him for a moment then clapped her hands together. "Let's go make some more happy memories. Now, take me to our first destination."

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