Chapter 26

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Game day with the Wyverns was a unique experience every time Christina. In the past, she'd gone as a spectator with her cousins, aunt and uncle. Today, she was representing them as part of the organization. Wearing jeans, a Wyvern jersey, a hat, to cover her patch of missing hair and sneakers made it easy for her to blend in with the crowd. Being around so many people had her looking over her shoulder waiting for an attack. There were a few times she found herself in the bathroom splashing cool water on her face to calm down.

When she finally made it to the group of Sliver Star kids a smile crossed her face. Kids in varying ages wore Wyvern shirts and talked excitedly to their parents. A familiar face caught her attention. He wore the signed Wilson shirt she'd seen when she'd met him. In quick strides, Christina approached Bertie and his mom.

"Hiya, Bertie." Christina said stopping in front of him.

"Ms. Christina! Did you see my shirt?"

"I do. I didn't know you were in this group."

"Finley called my mum and told her about it." He pointed to his mom who stood by. She smiled placing a hand on Bertie's shoulder.

"Hello, Ms. Scott."

"Bertie was telling me that Finley told you about Silver Star Kids. Are you having a good experience with it?"

Nodding adamantly, she said, "It has been fantastic. Finley has done so much with Bertie. I truly appreciate everything he's done. Bertie has decided he wants to play for the Wyverns when he grows up. He doesn't miss a game when it's on the tellie."

"Finley has been doing stuff with Bertie?" Christina looked over to where the Wyverns were lining up to come onto the pitch. The captain was front and center watching her.

"Oh, yes." She said looking at Bertie.

"I didn't know that." Christina said softly. While they had been talking the group began to line up. "I think you and Bertie better go. I will be over to help in a moment."

Christina stood looking out onto the pitch.

"Everything ok, Christina?" Her Uncle James stepped up next to her.

"Did you know that Finley has been doing stuff with one of the kids from Silver Star Kids?"

"Bertie? Yeah. He's brought him around. Bertie's met the team and has even learned a little rugby with your cousins." He smiled.

Walking back toward the line of people she said over her shoulder, "I hope they didn't spend too much time with them. Lord knows they have too many bad habits to teach an impressionable kid."

Her uncle's laugh floated over to her as she walked away.

The announcer introduced the opposing team eliciting boos throughout the stadium. Silver Star Kids were brought out after the boos died down. Christine knew this was not the normal practice for the start of a match. It was particularly strange being a playoff match.

A thunderous chanting came from where the Wyverns were waiting to enter the pitch. Like everyone else, Christina strained to look at what was going on. The Wyverns were in a circle swaying together and chanting. The chanting and hooting grew louder as the circle grew wider. Christina looked around the stadium and saw confused looks all around.

All of a sudden, the chanting stopped and the Wyverns fanned out into a line. The announcer then boisterously announced the Wyverns. They marched out to face the line of Silver star kids. Each kid and parent had a look of awe on their face. In a split second, all Wyverns turned and uniformed military men and women stepped through the openings.

The stadium erupted into applause. One by one the kids screamed and ran up to the uniformed soldier. Parents were crying and running behind their child. Each of the uniformed soldiers was the deployed parent of the child on the field. Silence descended the stadium. Tears fell from spectators watching the reunions. Even the opposing team were wiping their faces. Christina looked over and met the gaze of Finley. This was his doing.

"He did good didn't he." Simon said standing next to her.

"Simon? What are you doing here?"

He smiled. "Finley asked me to keep this a secret but made me promise to get you here today."

She smacked her boss lightly on the arm. "If I'd known about this I would have made sure I was wearing my waterproof mascara." She laughed through tears.

"Well, you still look lovely. Even if you do have black streaks down your face."

"How did he manage to do all this?" She asked.

"You know, I don't rightly know. He didn't even use me. Apparently, he had his own contacts in the military." Simon shrugged.


"I agree."


Christina watched the game with her family. She took care to cover Bella's each time Imogen decided to be a sideline coach with no filter. While she was cheering the team along she saw familiar faces. To the right of her family's seats were Finley's family. His gran wore one of his jersey's and yelled at the ref every time he made a call. On several occasions she saw his grandda pull her back into her seat. Sitting next to them looked like his parents and sister. More than once she caught them looking back in her direction.

During intermission the Wyverns were up by 7. She needed to get up and walk around and avoid a possible conversation with Finley's family. Christina found herself at the team shop getting a Wilson jersey and a stuffed Wyvern for Bella with a Wilson Jersey on it. She giggled knowing Dex and Liam would have a fit.

Wandering back toward her seat she ran into someone. Dropping her bags, she went to apologize and retrieve her bags when she looked into familiar eyes. Standing in front of her was Finley's mother. Finley looked like a male version of her. His gorgeous face and eyes were almost exact replicas.

"I'm sorry." Christina said hoping that she didn't recognize her.

"Christina right?" she stopped her with a hand on her arm.


"I'm Finley's mum." She smiled.

"I know. You look a lot like him."

"Thank you, dear. Finley has told us a lot about you."

Christina blushed and looked at her shoes.

"I'm sorry for everything you have gone through lately. I'm sure it hasn't been easy." His mother seemed genuinely empathetic of her situation.

"I'm doing better."

"Good. So, do you mind if I ask you a question?" A roar came from the crowd signaling the start of the next half. "A quick one before we go back to our seats?"

"Sure." She said looking around.

"Has my son told you he loved you yet?"

Christina's eyes bugged. Her mouth felt like the Sahara took up camp and she wasn't able to get a word out.

His mother smiled. "Ahh. I take it that is a no. Well, I need to get back, dear. I'm glad you are doing well, Christina." Turning to go his mother walked a few steps away and turned back to her. "Fair warning, my mother will probably hunt you down to talk to you before the end of the match."

"Ok." Christina said breathlessly.

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