Chapter 19

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Finley felt horrible. After his date with Christina the night before, he went home with a hard cock and a migraine. The business with the American athlete weighed on his mind. Christina was scared. She tried to hide it but he saw when he was at their table she was shaking like a leaf. He needed to protect her. It took all he had to leave her last night with only a forehead kiss. He had only one option. He couldn't do this alone. That's why he was standing in front of this door hoping he'd get some help.

"Come in." The voice came from inside the office.

Finley walked in and shut the door behind him. "Can I talk to you?"

"Of course, son. What's going on?"

Finley sat down in front of the big desk. He wasn't sure how this conversation would go but if anyone could help he could. Finley proceeded to tell Christina's uncle about their date the night before. About how Augustus wants him and his sons to work with Garrett on rugby and the truth behind who was really involved in destroying Christina's career. When he was finally done he took a deep breath and looked at James Scott's face. He appeared unaffected. For those who didn't know him they would think they just wasted their breath. Finley knew better.

"What's in this for you, son?"


"Why do you want to be involved? Christina isn't anything to you. You can leave it with me, Dex and Liam to take care of."

"I can't do that."


"I want to take care of her. I may not be anything to her yet but I want to be. She knows I want to take care of her if she'll let me."

James smiled. "Good. Alright, let me look into some things. In the mean time you take care of my niece."

Finley smiled and relaxed slightly. "Thank you."

"I don't think I have to tell you this, Finley, but don't hurt my poppin."

"That is the last thing I want to do."

Finley got up to leave the office. "Oh and Finley, don't tell Dex or Liam yet."

Finley looked at him then nodded.

Walking to the elevator, Finley knew exactly where he had to go next. He needed to fix something that had kept him awake. When the elevator doors opened out stepped Garrett and his manager. He smirked at him and kept walking toward Augustus' office. He hoped that James Scott would come up with something soon.

Finley got on the elevator and took it down three floors. When the doors opened he saw the person he was looking for. She was talking to her assistant. She wore a green dress that accentuated all of her curves. Walking right up to her he interrupted their conversation.

"Christina, I need to talk to you."

Christina startled when he interrupted them. "Sure, Finley. Magda, please make those calls and document everything in the spreadsheet."

Finley followed her into her office and shut the door behind them. Christina turned and looked concerned. "What's going on, Finley?"

"I need to fix something. Something that kept me up last night."

Finley strode over to Christina pulled her to him and crashed his lips against hers. Christina reached up and laced her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. He backed her against the wall. He licked at the seam of her lips. She opened to him on a moan. He took his chance and snaked his tongue into the warm depths of her mouth. They massaged each other tongues. Swallowing their moans with each kiss.

His now hard cock ground against the apex of her thighs. He ran his hands down her sides to the top of her thighs. A moan broke their kiss. His lips traveled down her neck. Massaging a breast with one hand and her ass with the other. Finley had to stop before he took her against the wall of her office.

Just when he would stop, Christina lifted her leg around his hip and ground her core against his cock while kissing him hard. Finley took Christina's hands and shoved them over her head kissing down her jaw and sucking gently on her neck eliciting another moan. Holding her hands with one of his, he slid one hand up the outside of her thigh. He could feel the warmth of her core when a persistent knock penetrated the lust filled haze the two of them were in.

Christina squeaked and hurried to straighten her clothes and hair. "One second please." Christina called.

"You look sexy as hell right now."

"Shut up and fix that." She said point to his crotch.

"What do you want me to do? You did this to me." He laughed trying to adjust his now aching hard cock.

"Fine. Put this in your lap." She tossed him a file folder labeled Silver Star Kids.

Christina walked over to the door and let the cock blocker in. A smiling Liam strode into Christina's office. "Hi Christina! What are you doing?"

"Did you need something, Liam?" Christina leaned against her desk in front of him.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to go to lunch, but I can see your busy." Liam smirked.

Christina squinted at her cousin. "Something smells like bullshit. Why are you really here?"

Liam laughed. "I came to ask Magda out and she let it slip that you and Wilson were all alone with an unscheduled meeting. I thought maybe I'd prevent you from making a mistake."

Christina blushed. "Are you kidding me right now?"

Liam smiled. "So, how about that lunch, Christina?"

"She can't go to lunch with you because we already have lunch plans." Finley jumped up.

"Oh. Well, we can do lunch tomorrow then." Liam said and walked back out the door.

"We have lunch plans?" Christina looked at him.

"We do now. Let me take you to lunch. My gran and grandda have been asking for you."

Christina smiled. "Ok. Just so you know it's for your grandparents not you. I don't take kindly for men being heavy handed and bossing me around."

"Yes, dove. I will be back in an hour." Finley leaned in and kissed her one last time before leaving her office.

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