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Disclaimer: Highschool DXD, Death Battle, God of War, Spawn, and anything featured in the episode or this chapter all belongs to their perspective owners.

Wiz: Of all the warriors who have entered this arena, none can compete with these two titans of death.

Wiz: Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta who single-handedly annihilated Olympus.

Everyone were completely surprised at this with their jaws dropped, their eyes wide open, and their spines tingling like crazy.

Everyone: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Boomstick: And Spawn, who managed to dethrone both Satan and God.

They're surprised again.

Everyone: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Issei, Koneko, Xenovia, and Rossweisse: HOW THE HELL?!?!?!?! HOW?!?!?!?!

Rias and Akeno were completely speechless. They're too shocked to say anything.

Wiz: I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a DEATH BATTLE.

Gasper: T-t-t-these two are that powerful?


Kratos appears to have white skin with a long red tattoo. He wears a gold armlet.

Wiz: Kratos is a demigod, raised among the Spartans as their greatest warrior, until one day, his people were threatened to be overrun. It was then he struck a deal with Ares, the God of War. Ares would give him the strength to protect his people; in return, Kratos would serve as Ares' champion warrior.

That's kind of similar to when Yuuma tried to kill Issei and then he inadvertently summoned Rias to save him.

Boomstick: Kratos became super-powerful and really vicious, but was tricked by Ares into killing his own family.

Everyone, especially Asia were horrified at this.

Boomstick: But hey, he saved some money on child support and divorce.

Issei: Hey! Not cool!

Rias: Him being an idiot again.

Wiz: As the white, hot ashes of his family clung permanently to his skin-.

Boomstick: Just like Michael Jackson!

Everyone except Yuuto, Gasper, and Asia: SHUT UP!!!!


Height: Over 6 ft

Spartan Warrior

-Ranked Captian

Self-Centered Anti-Hero

Superhuman Strengh, Speed, Durability, and Stamina

Wiz: -His quest for vengeance against the gods of Olympus began. As a demigod, Kratos possesses great strength, speed, stamina, and durability. He can survive a pummeling from a Titan and best the power of Hercules.

Rossweisse: He's stronger than Hercules?!


Boomstick: But the real beauty of Kratos is his shit ton of weapons!

Wiz: While Kratos wielded many... many weapons throughout his journey, most of them were taken away or destroyed. So, for this battle, he'll be wielding the ones from God of War 3, which at the time when Kratos was arguably at his most powerful.

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