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Disclaimer: Highschool DXD, Death Battle, Blazblue, Guilty Gear, and anything featured in the episode or this chapter all belongs to their perspective owners.

Death Battle

Wiz: No anime tough guy trope is complete unless he has outrageous spiky hair, a sword that's clearly compensating for something....

Boomstick: And belts. Lots and lots of belts.

Ravel: Why would you need a lot of belts?

Issei: at least it's cool though.

Wiz: Ragna, the Bloodedge.

Boomstick: And Sol Badguy, the Flame of Corruption.

Issei: I like these names.

Wiz: I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


Wiz: Nearly a century ago, humanity was hunted to near-extinction by the fearsome Black Beast.

The Black Beast is a giant, multi-headed, powerful dragon, everyone had a bad feeling about it.

Wiz: Fortunately, six brave heroes slayed the monster and saved mankind.

Everyone were revealed at this.

Wiz: The remains of humanity was reorganized into a new society. Buuuuuut it's under an oppressive government.

Issei, Irina, and Koneko: ...Bummer.

Wiz: Until one man decided to rise up, Ragna the Bloodedge.

Awesome rock music plays as Ragna is being showcased. Rossweisse started to blush a lot from finding Ragna really handsome and cool.

Akeno: Rossweisse, you o-?

Rossweisse: Nothing.

Boomstick: Baggy pants, giant sword, brooding personality. Ragna has tragic back-story written all over him.

Wiz: I'd actually go with gruesome.

Everyone had a bad feeling about this.


Height: 6 ft

Weight: 172 lbs

Blood Type: B

Aliases: Ragna the Bloodedge, Grim Reaper

Bounty: 900000000000 Platinum Dollars

Frequent Dine-and-Dasher

His Foul Mouth Gives the Angry Video Game Nerd's a Run for His Money

Worst Fear: Ghosts *Everyone sweatdropped at this and the previous two.*

Wiz: As a young child, he and his siblings were created in a experimental facility as the first artifical humans ever made, confined as lab rats.

Everyone find this terrible, especially Yuuto.

Boomstick: Bummer. What were they trying to do?

Wiz: No one knows.

Yuuto: Probably a project of some sorts.

Wiz: The important thing here is they were rescued by a talking cat named Jubei, who also happened to be the most feared warrior on the planet. However, things took a darker turn when Ragna's sister Saya grew very sick.

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