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Disclaimer: Highschool DXD, Death Battle, Marvel, Gargoyles, and anything featured in the episode or this chapter all belongs to their perspective owners.

Death Battle

Wiz: Some of the greatest heroes of all are shunned by the very people they continue to protect.

Akeno, Asia, and Gasper knew that similar feeling.

Boomstick: Basically, the worst deal ever.

Wiz: Like Beast, the blue genius of the X-Men.

Boomstick: And Goliath, the gargoyle who gives new meaning to the phrase "tough as stone."

Wiz: I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


Wiz: Mutation. The key to evolution. The process is slow, normally taking thousands of years, but every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.

Boomstick: If that means we're all eventually going to transform into blue, hairy monkey men, count me out!

Rossweisse: Wrong kind of evolution, you idiot.

Wiz: Feared by most normal people, mutants generally begin to show signs of their... uniqueness around puberty. Not so for Hank McCoy.


Real Name: Henry "Hank" McCoy

Height: 5 ft 11 in

Weight: 402 lbs

Has 6 Doctorates, Including Biophysics *Everone were amazed.*

Teacher at Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters

X-Men, Avengers, Defenders, and Illuminati Member

Likes Shakespeare... a Lot *Rias found this interesting.*

Boomstick: Yeah, the instant he popped out, it was pretty clear that something was different about him. Namely, the giant monkey hands and feet. Ooh, that must've been rough on the way out! He better give dear old mom double the presents on Mother's Day!

Yuuto: Well... I guess he does resemble a monkey a little.

Wiz: Though Hank successfully hid his mutation from the world throughout his adolescent life, he was eventually discovered and shunned. Constantly harassed, and eventually kicked out of his own school, he was left to wallow in loneliness.

Everyone felt sympathy for him, especially Akeno, Asia, and Gasper.

Boomstick: Until good old Wheels showed up, and offered him a place on the mutant group known as the X-Men. Hank took on the nickname that was previously used to degrade him, and transformed it into something new, his codename: the Beast. As an X-Man, Beast became an integral member of this uncanny team. His superhuman strength, speed, and durability let him go toe-to-toe with baddies like the immovable Blob and Kraven the Hunter.

Asia: At least he found a home where everyone loves him.

Wiz: But Beast was a genius, like yours truly, and quickly completed his doctoral studies. Eventually leaving the X-Men, he became a leading researcher in mutant genetics. Desperate to "cure" the mutant phenomenon, Beast developed a serum, which he theorized would temporarily counteract the mutated genes in his body.

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