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Disclaimer: Contents including Highschool DXD, Death Battle, Marvel, D.C., and anything featured in the episode of Death Battle or this chapter all belongs to their perspective owners.

Death Battle

Wiz: Every champion of justice inspires others, whether they mean to or not.

Koneko: Issei, that sounds about like you.

Issei: Yeah, I guess.

Boomstick: But sometimes, that "inspiration" creates your worst nemesis yet.

Issei: That... can't be good.

Wiz: Venom, the ultimate antithesis to Spider-Man.

Boomstick: And Bane, the burly genius who broke the Bat.

This reminded Issei of Vali, because he's his antithesis, like Venom and Bane to Spiderman and Batman

Wiz: I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a DEATH BATTLE.


Wiz: The word "symbiosis" refers to two organisms living in beneficial harmony, such as when two beings bond over an obsessive, psychotic desire to kill Spider-Man.

Gasper: That can't be good.


Real Name: Edward Charles Allan Brock

Height: 6 ft 3 in

Weight: 230 lbs

Symbiote's Planet of Origin: Klyntar

Graduated From Empire State University With a BA in Journalism *Rias and Rossweisse were impressed.*

Sybiote Previously Possesed >30 Hosts

Venom Symbiote is Father of Carnage Symbiote

Boomstick: Eddie Brock was an up and coming journalist on the brink of national success, when life decided to just shit all over him.

Wiz: One day, Eddie published an article incriminating a man he thought was a serial killer. However, that very same day, Spider-Man caught the real killer, publicly shaming Eddie; as a result, Eddie's company fired him, his father disowned him, and his wife left him. Also, he had cancer.

Everyone already heard that before, but still felt sympathy for him.

Boomstick and Koneko: Damn, talk about a bad day.

Boomstick: Understandably pretty upset about it, Eddie blamed Spider-Man for ruining his life.

Akeno: But he apparently didn't meant for this to happen.

Issei: Yeah, hard to imagine Spidey doing this on purpose.

Boomstick: This led to his fateful meeting with a weird, black, gooey alien. Remember Gak from the 90's?

Everyone: ...No?

Boomstick: It's just like that, except alive and... evil....

Venom lets out a roar, lunging towards the screen. Some found this scary. Asia and Gasper hid behind Issei.

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