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Death Battle

Wiz: Hundreds of years ago, the samurai and the ninja battled across Japan, and these two fascinating ways of combat have been at odds ever since.

Issei: Yep, they're pretty awesome.

Boomstick: The Shredder, the sharp and shiny arch-villain of the Ninja Turtles.

Wiz: And Silver Samurai, the mutant swordsman who can slice through anything.

Wiz: I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


Wiz: Beneath the streets of New York City, a secret battle wages between four humanoid turtles, and a ninja covered in blades, known as The Shredder.

Boomstick, Issei, and Asia: A kitchen utensil?

Wiz: Many legends surround The Shredder's origins. Some say he's the reincarnation of an ancient Japanese warrior, some say he's an alien disguised as a man-.

Ravel: The first one makes more sense to me.

Issei: Eh, I don't know. Do aliens exist though?

Wiz: And some say he's a bumbling idiot who sounds like Uncle Phil.

1987 Shredder: But I don't want to conquer this place! I want to conquer Earth!

Everyone were completely dumbfounded at his voice. Ravel, Issei, Akeno, and Koneko spat take in laughter.

Ravel: Hehe, what a stupid voice.

Boomstick: Either way, every legend agrees on one thing: He's an absolute badass.


Real name: Oroku Saki

Height: 6 ft 6 in

Weight: 280 lbs

Leader of the Foot Clan

Rival to Splinter

Favorite Meal: Turtle Soup

A Bounce House's Worst Nightmare *Some found this funny.*

Wiz: Before he was called the Shredder, he was Oroku Saki, a member of the Japanese ninjutsu Foot Clan, he trained alongside his rival, Hamato Yoshi.

Boomstick: They weren't just rivals in martial arts, but in the search for love as well. They both pined for the lovely lady, Tang Shen.

Akeno: My my. We have a love triangle here.

Issei: *Thinking and sweatdrops.* Yeah, and I have a love web.

Boomstick: But, unfortunately for our future Shredder, she only had eyes for Yoshi. Hamato Yoshi, not the dinosaur. That'd be... weird.

Ravel: It wouldn't be if you didn't bring it up!

Wiz: Jealous, Oroku Saki attacked Yoshi, but in his rage, accidentally struck down Tang Shen.

Shredder is seen acidentally killing Shen.

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