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Disclaimer: Highschool DXD, Death Battle, Sonic, Megaman, and anything featured in the episode or this chapter all belongs to their perspective owners.

The episode starts.

Boomstick: It's no secret that scientists are, well, crazy as hell. Like Wiz.

Wiz: Thanks. Though I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult.

Some find this funny.

Koneko: It's like roommate drama between them.

Boomstick: But these two take it way too far.

Wiz: Dr. Ivo Robotnik, A.K.A. the Eggman.

Boomstick: And Dr. Albert Wily, A.K.A. Einstein without rogaine.

Wiz: In this scenario, both Doctors will be leading their mechanized armies to see who is the deadliest robot commander.

Akeno: That's new.

Yuuto: I guess we're about to see their armies clash.

Wiz: I'm Wizard.

Boomstick: And I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win... a DEATH BATTLE.



Real Name: Ivo Robotnik

Height: 6 ft 1 in

Weight: 282 lbs

I.Q.: Over 300 *This skocked everyone.*

PhD: Unknown... Probably Fake

Ruler of the Eggman Empire

Endorses Animal Cruelty *Everyone hates that.*

Wiz: Dr. Eggman is the obese, yet strangely athletic evil mastermind responsible for terrorizing the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, in his quest to rule a global empire.

Issei: Rrriiiiiight. Like every villains out there.

Wiz: His engineering mastery has led to a massive army of unique robot warriors using the strangest fuel source: kidnapped animals.

Everyone: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Koneko: Sick freak.

Boomstick: He's P.E.T.A.'s worst nightmare.

Robot Infantry

Moto Bug

- High Speed Scouts


- Covered in Defensive Spikes

Buzz Bombers

- Quick Flyers with Laser Guns

E-1001 Egg Pawn

- Impressive Arsenal but Dumb


- Well Rounded but Fragile

Wiz: His army is based around speed and defense, including Moto Bugs, Caterkillers, Buzz Bombers, Egg Pawns and SWATbots.

Some of the robots are kind of cute, especially to Asia and Gasper.

Egg Fleet

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