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Disclaimer: Highschool DXD, Death Battle, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, and anything featured in the episode or this chapter all belongs to their perspective owners.

Death Battle

Wiz: Sometimes, the most unlikely of friends can become the best of heroes.

Everyone can relate to that.

Boomstick: Ratchet and Clank, the cosmic commandos.

Wiz: And Jak and Daxter, the masters of Eco.

Everyone were looking forward for this.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills, to find out who would win... a DEATH BATTLE.

Ratchet and Clank

Wiz: It was a time of chaos. The unstoppable Cragmite empire wreaked havoc across the galaxy until a race of unlikely heroes fought back: the Lombaxes... who may be some sort of lemur-wombat?

Asia: No matter, they look really cute.

Boomstick: Well, whatever they are. they're pretty good at kicking the shit out of Cragmites and ended up stopping the empire by banishing them to an another dimension.

Everyone were relieved.

Boomstick: Well, all except one and boy, would that come back to bite them in the ass.

Wiz: Raised as one of their own, the last Cragmite betrayed his foster Lombaxes, raised an army of fish people, and, in some sense of cruel ironic justice, banished the entire Lombax race to their own dimension as well.

Ravel: Wow... that is ironic.

Wiz: And, just as ironically, missed one who would prove to be his greatest adversary.

Tsubaki: You're telling me they made the same mistake the Lombaxes did?

Ratchet's Background

Species: Lombax

Height: 4 ft 10 in

Weight: 97.5 lbs

Birth Date: Around 5339 A.D.

Naturally-Gifted Mechanic *Sona and Rossweisse were impressed.*

Code Named "Dead Meat" by Captain Qwark

Has a Vendetta Against Wooden Crates *Much to everyone's confusion.*

Boomstick: This lone Lombax's name was Ratchet, and he spent most of his days stranded on a random planet, dicking around with mechanical stuff, and dreaming of one day exploring the galaxy.

Everyone found that resonable because... well... who wouldn't? Space is pretty cool after all.

Boomstick: So, this alien... kitty cat... thing scrounged up all the scraps he can find, used his natural gift with machines, and built a space ship so incredible, it would finally take him off this boring planet once and for-!

Gasper, Issei, and Saji widened their eyes until Ratchet's ship breaks down.

Boomstick, Issei, Saji, and Gasper: ...Aww.

Wiz: Without an onboard robot ignition system, this hunk of junk would never fly.

Boomstick: And with Ratchet's luck, it's not like one was just going to drop out of the sky or something.

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